Rake Back Pro

Rake Back Pro
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Sunday, September 9, 2007


All the additional names to go along with cheatfoot grassfoot etc etc. Yes fastfoot the guy who continuously cheats on betfair poker. His partner in crime ontheup is now playing on the cryptologic network as ontheup45 so be careful when you see him around. Some people are probably aware that you can sit on a table with two accounts from the same ip address on betfair, i recall many games with tw18 and fastfoot on the same table. Now on the poker forum fastfoot posts as tw18 and now fastfoot also. I am not sure of the exact situation here but i wouldn't put it past him to be entering the $200-400 sit and goes with multiple accounts.

Yesterday Azimut was trying to wind me up to entice me to go to the betfair forum game, so i wound him up back. I would absolutely never ever go out of my way to hit anybody in my entire life. I had a great night last night which I wouldn't have had if i decided to waste some time on a loser. Here is the description given to me of fastfoot '40+, ugly and definitely not good looking italian, bit porky and as quiet as a mouse. Added to this wearing golf style clothes clearly in the hope that it will be enough for someone to start conversation with him'. As accurate as this description is I can't be 100% on yet seeing as it comes from the mouth of a policeman I think it will be quite accurate. Fastfoot has never had any friends on the betfair poker forum and spends his time cheating other players so why he went to the live game I will never know. Perhaps for some sick/sadistical reason of wanting to see the people he rips off.

My night to keep it brief started at Art bar knightsbridge went on to eat at maroush beauchamp place. Then to mandarin bar and finally off to cafe de paris. Many beautiful women involved and lots of drink, how insane would I have had to be to worry or feel the need to act upon what was said by an ugly, fat 40+ loner. LOLOL at these cyber warriors, no wonder they feel the need to say what they do online. Still credit for having the audacity to turn up after saying so many lies, although I guess many people wouldn't have realised who they were playing.

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