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Friday, September 28, 2007

Million dollar challenge + bonus feature!!

Ok this is it, I have not played much poker this month and have spent some time teaching some beginners how to play. The problem is everytime I am not around they play higher stakes and lose. They say it is not much money and i have to keep explaining it is not about the money but why play at a level you cannot beat. Before people think my challenge is to turn a novice into a winning player I shall say what it is as I don't have patience for that!

From October 1st I shall keep records of how much I make from poker. My definition of profit is whatever I withdraw at the end of the month as I never put money back into poker which has been taken out. I will see how long it takes me to win a million dollars, the added bonus challenge is trying to get a 6pak also and see which one if any I can achieve first! I really don't know which of the two will be harder as although I used to go to the gym five days a week that was years ago and I am fast approaching thirty years of age. Once you past thirty it really is hard to get into shape if you are not already. It is especially hard as playing lots of poker tends to make people lazy!

I am going to update once every month as of November and my million dollar challenge starts on 1st October however getting back into shape starts from today. Things that take motivation to start up are easier to start on the spur of the moment than a set date. My starting weight is 93kilos with a body fat of 21%. Healthy lifestyles are not promoted enough in the poker world and it genuinely looks like the more that someone wins the worse they looked after themselves.

Looking at things logically if you are 10 kilos over your ideal weight then that is another 10 kilos that your bones have to support every day of your life. If you don't lose excess weight it will lead to arthritis and need of joint replacement in older age. If I live a long life I want to spend my twilight years relaxing in the sun and not going into hospitals.

Also two added benefits are the fact that I have so many nice clothes that don't fit me anymore that will do soon enough and hopefully secondly I will be getting even more action with the ladies! There generally is no excuse but lazyness for being overweight. My weight is classed as average for my size but i feel society is continually stretching what the limit is for being healthy. In part due to the big food companies in America stuffing people and then filling them with false propoganda. I have a few stories on America and food to put up at a later date.

Off now until tomorrow when I shall ramble about something else, and to all fellow poker players remember it doesn't cost nothing to lose weight. Get smart, get healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's up with ya?
why arnt you my friend anymore?
i have classic blog story for you - best ever.

let me know if you want it or i will put it on mine. it is classic!
in fact i will email you now.