Sunday, August 16, 2009
I need to learn some manners...
Rushed out tonight and missed BBQ, anyways go to few bars in essex. End up with some girl, then she says lets go to sleep...i say no i want to go home and eat some chicken. How rude am i, chicken tastes good tho
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Come On Tiger Woods....
One off random post, been so busy lately. Sick 50,000 profit last week which pays for my upcoming holiday! Anyways basically currently have £8000 on Tiger Woods to win, he is 1.30 at the moment and I can lay for huge profit but sod it I want a sweat and he is playing solid. Ty woods for free cash, all of you who have any spare cash it is not too late, even 1.30 is good value.
Monday, July 6, 2009
We love you Roddick...
Right, lately I have been doing great on poker and bad on horses etc. So I have decided to quit all gambling bar poker. However Wimbledon Semi finals we had roddick versus the MORON murray. So I placed a fair sized bet and roddick won. So I decided in the final of Wimbledon I would back roddick again and thought he was hugely overpriced. Here are my bets on Roddick for the final...
03:05 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.00 200.00 Lost (200.00)
14:33 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.80 100.00 Lost (100.00)
14:13 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.00 300.00 Lost (300.00)
14:22 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 7.60 500.00 Lost (500.00)
14:23 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 7.60 400.00 Lost (400.00)
14:43 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.62 300.00 Lost (300.00)
14:43 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 9.20 200.00 Lost (200.00)
16:21 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 14.00 100.00 Lost (100.00)
As you can see I absolutely went to town on Roddick to win. After the first set he was down to 3.6 and I laid a lot of my bet off. Around a dozen times during the match he was shorter than even money, so even though he did not win for all familiar with betting in running on betfair you will know if you back someone at 8-1 who ends up going less then even money before eventually losing it is virtually impossible to lose. I don't want to post my exact winnings here, but needless to say it was a nice profit. It would have been much more if Roddick had of won!
Wimbledon 2/2. Now I will wait until Wimbledon 2010 before my next bet...or will I!
03:05 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.00 200.00 Lost (200.00)
14:33 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.80 100.00 Lost (100.00)
14:13 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.00 300.00 Lost (300.00)
14:22 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 7.60 500.00 Lost (500.00)
14:23 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 7.60 400.00 Lost (400.00)
14:43 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 8.62 300.00 Lost (300.00)
14:43 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 9.20 200.00 Lost (200.00)
16:21 The Final Roddick v Federer / Match Odds / Andy Roddick
Back 14.00 100.00 Lost (100.00)
As you can see I absolutely went to town on Roddick to win. After the first set he was down to 3.6 and I laid a lot of my bet off. Around a dozen times during the match he was shorter than even money, so even though he did not win for all familiar with betting in running on betfair you will know if you back someone at 8-1 who ends up going less then even money before eventually losing it is virtually impossible to lose. I don't want to post my exact winnings here, but needless to say it was a nice profit. It would have been much more if Roddick had of won!
Wimbledon 2/2. Now I will wait until Wimbledon 2010 before my next bet...or will I!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lucky weekend...?
Well I did not go to Las Vegas cancelling at last minute, then in last 48 hours including lots of time out at restraunts pubs and clubs I still find time to win £8,000 on poker. Obviously if I went to Vegas I would not have won £8,000.....however my dream was right it was going to be a lucky few days. Perhaps if I went to Vegas I would not have won £8,000 but instead won huge in a tournament for a few hundred grand or so. I will never know....
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Vegas Cancelled....
Had sick day, done loads on horses so not in right frame of mind for Vegas, even though I got my ticket less than 24 hours ago for £1800 and booked hotel. Turning point 5 furlong race 'pick up sticks', huge bet on at 8-1 cruised all way went to 2.16 in running but didn't get up. HUGE mega bet! Well fuck the flight and hotel, can't be fuckedddd.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Off To Vegas....?
Possibly off to vegas this weekend. Lots on in Uk so cant go for too long plus ibiza coming up in a few weeks. Definitely play either Saturday or Monday $1500 nlhe tournament. I will consider offers of staking just for the fun of it. If I do it is $400 per 25%. However I will not take a penny of any cash under $10,000. Over $10,000 its 50/50. I have plenty of cash as it is and $1500 buy in is nothing, however it may be fun for a few people to have a sweat. Once again I would not dream of taking a penny of any small cash ($10,000 or less) Anyone interested can contact me easily enough, there will be a restriction tho of one 25% unit per person. I have enough cash and condifence in myself to not even give people this chance but as I said its for the fun element. At this short notice the flights alone are over £1000 for direct and the hotels around $400 a night. However I want some fun this weekend. I will post tomorrow 100% if I am going or not.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Quick post tonight, everyone knows I am a man of my word and very generous. Basically I would like somebody to give me the name and address of a person who plays on betfair as 'Heatheli'. Simply give me his name and address and your stars/fulltilt account and I will send you a nice bounty. Simple as that. Somebody out there who plays on betfair will know him, in fact a few people will so if you do you may as well at least be the one to get the reward as someone will get it.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
We are going to IBIZA....NOTTTT
Have a few beers last night (quite a few) and decide to go to Ibiza. Get to the airport carry on drinking then realise I have left my passport in the car. No big deal can get cab to drop it off, friend checks his passport and realises it has expired. Great, trying to think who elses passport we can use but realise nobodies because white people don't all look the same (there is my first controversial remark to get a few people going!!!). Phone a cab to leave the airport and my friend says to me 'I can't fucking believe that'. Lady who looks like a crackhead gets out of a car and walks towards the aiport as my friend says that and she says 'you shouldn't swear in public I work here and your lucky I don't call the police'. WOW what the fuck is this bullshit? It's 2am your outside the terminal with nobody in site but a crackhead and you can't swear? Well I say call the police you crackhead. Next minute cab is there and as we walk towards it some fat prick in a hi vis vest comes walking towards me all fast. I ask if I can help him? He says you are leaving now so it is ok. I say pardon me? He asks for my passport number, of course I will give it to him..... 'You have no authority kid, all you have is a fat belly and a bright top on and a walky talky in your hand probably to check the toilets are clean so sure I will give you my passport is STICK THAT NOTEBOOK UP YOUR FUCKING ASS YOU MUG'. With that we get in the cab and drive back to sunny London.......
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Betfair Bastards,,,,
Have betfair righted their wrong yet? Of course not, retards. When Betfair removed leaderboards before many left the site and liquidity was so bad. However I have always said that for me winning leaderboards is often something I don't go for it just comes with success. However with the rules being bended now it is bullshit. Why on earth would I want to be forcibly contributing to a prizepool which it is virtually impossible to win? If I don't cash in a heads up game I lose 60 points, if somebody does not cash in a 6pak they lose just 20 points. Sure it is harder to beat 5 others than 1 other but that is why 6pak winners get 350 points. O yea and heads up win first reduced from 200 points to 175 and now to 100 a week later. So like fuck will I be playing in volume so that others can get rich from me.
Retards at betfair obviously don't care about things such as which players have always used the site. When leaderboards were removed, during times when people left because of prop players, during times of bad connections etc etc very few of us stayed. So why alienate these players also, because it is all part of Bruce Stubbs plan.... run betfair poker into the ground then stage a management buy out of it. Lets all get a shit poker site relatively cheap as it only ever has around 2000 seated players then turn it into a world beater and have access to millions of players who use the sports book. Wait, it i snot even as if they will buy the poker software. No it is just the betfair customers they want, nobody in their right mind would use the bug ridden ancient software in place at the moment. The Betfair brand name and customer database is what is wanted, and Betfair appear to allow a snake right into the heart of their operation.
Retards at betfair obviously don't care about things such as which players have always used the site. When leaderboards were removed, during times when people left because of prop players, during times of bad connections etc etc very few of us stayed. So why alienate these players also, because it is all part of Bruce Stubbs plan.... run betfair poker into the ground then stage a management buy out of it. Lets all get a shit poker site relatively cheap as it only ever has around 2000 seated players then turn it into a world beater and have access to millions of players who use the sports book. Wait, it i snot even as if they will buy the poker software. No it is just the betfair customers they want, nobody in their right mind would use the bug ridden ancient software in place at the moment. The Betfair brand name and customer database is what is wanted, and Betfair appear to allow a snake right into the heart of their operation.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Betfair Poker do it again.....
Just when it seems like Betfair Poker cannot do any worse they manage to once again screw up again in a major way. There are so many monumental errors that I can only think it is being done on purpose. I have several theories and basically they all point to illegal activity from within betfair. Personally I still believe Bruce Stubbs is purposely harming betfair poker for his own gain. Since he took over it goes from bad to worse. Obviously Bruce has his own reasons, perhaps he really thinks if he damages betfair poker enough then he can lead a buy out of the poker side of betfair. We all know he has a few quid and the contacts within the industry to be able to head a buy out.
The reason for my latest complaint is the new leaderboard scoring system. For some time heads up players have benefited from the formula. Betfair do get the most rake from heads up players, the fees may be reduced but the games are much quicker and also when the end of the week approaches the action is manic whilst people battle for the leaderboards. Last week saw the points for a win in a heads up game reduced by 12.5%. Fair enough make it more balanced, then this week sees something absolutely ludicrous. A new scoring system is put in place where it makes it physically impossible for a heads up player to win a leaderboard. Under the old scoring system I would bet anyone any amount of money that I could win without playing one heads up game. Under the new system I would bet anyone any amount of money in my pocket nobody could win one playing heads up only. Here is an example of how fucked up the scoring is:
Heads up - 1st place= 100 points, 2nd place = -60;
D2N 6-seater SNGs 1st - 3rd = 150 points, 4th - 6th = -30.
So playing 100 heads up games cashing in half would see somebody score 2000 points. Yet for cashing in the same amount of games in D2N which is the worst form of poker available a player would get 6000 points. So D2N which was not even considered worthy of being included on leaderboards in the past is now included and in effect scores treble the points of heads up. Heads up poker is the most skillful form of poker, anybody who knows about poker is aware of this. So for what reason could anybody penalise the most skillful form of poker and reward the least skillful form of poker. Betfair poker appears to be trying to make all SNG players switch to turbo D2N games. I repeat from rightfully not being included in the leaderboard to being given treble the points of heads up is ridiculous.
The statement released today said 'You spoke, we listened'. From what I can see not ONE person has yet spoken in favour of the new scoring system. I will probably update this post later. But for now congratulations Bruce Stubbs on getting a step closer to destroying Betfair Poker, you crook. The final summary is a game which was not deemed worthy of inclusing on a leaderboard and also notorious for cheats now benefits. Stars and fulltilt didn't get so big by turning there sites into double your money turbo SNG sites. Betfair should realise even when they did scrap leaderboards certain players stuck around, so why now reward the ex-props who are complaining. When they stopped getting 100%+ rakeback most of them instantly left betfair.
The reason for my latest complaint is the new leaderboard scoring system. For some time heads up players have benefited from the formula. Betfair do get the most rake from heads up players, the fees may be reduced but the games are much quicker and also when the end of the week approaches the action is manic whilst people battle for the leaderboards. Last week saw the points for a win in a heads up game reduced by 12.5%. Fair enough make it more balanced, then this week sees something absolutely ludicrous. A new scoring system is put in place where it makes it physically impossible for a heads up player to win a leaderboard. Under the old scoring system I would bet anyone any amount of money that I could win without playing one heads up game. Under the new system I would bet anyone any amount of money in my pocket nobody could win one playing heads up only. Here is an example of how fucked up the scoring is:
Heads up - 1st place= 100 points, 2nd place = -60;
D2N 6-seater SNGs 1st - 3rd = 150 points, 4th - 6th = -30.
So playing 100 heads up games cashing in half would see somebody score 2000 points. Yet for cashing in the same amount of games in D2N which is the worst form of poker available a player would get 6000 points. So D2N which was not even considered worthy of being included on leaderboards in the past is now included and in effect scores treble the points of heads up. Heads up poker is the most skillful form of poker, anybody who knows about poker is aware of this. So for what reason could anybody penalise the most skillful form of poker and reward the least skillful form of poker. Betfair poker appears to be trying to make all SNG players switch to turbo D2N games. I repeat from rightfully not being included in the leaderboard to being given treble the points of heads up is ridiculous.
The statement released today said 'You spoke, we listened'. From what I can see not ONE person has yet spoken in favour of the new scoring system. I will probably update this post later. But for now congratulations Bruce Stubbs on getting a step closer to destroying Betfair Poker, you crook. The final summary is a game which was not deemed worthy of inclusing on a leaderboard and also notorious for cheats now benefits. Stars and fulltilt didn't get so big by turning there sites into double your money turbo SNG sites. Betfair should realise even when they did scrap leaderboards certain players stuck around, so why now reward the ex-props who are complaining. When they stopped getting 100%+ rakeback most of them instantly left betfair.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Beggar Peasant Tramp....
Right, my new way of thinking means that I do not waste time on wankers. Yet for a few minutes I shall be weak. Some stupid tramp who has not got a pot to piss in apparently challenges me to a ten grand bet. Obviously I would literally bite his hand off for such a bet. He would never have the money so thats that. One thing for these fools to bear in mind is that I am mentally unstable and if caught at the wrong time I would just pay someone £2000 to break your legs for pissing me off. Just a random comment but in life think before you act, I really am that fucked in the head and know that many crazies where I would randomly pay to see you feel pain. I guess I shouldn't even post this, fuck it who cares though. If O.J. can get not guilty anyone can.
As for any tramp challenging me to a 10k bet bring it on, you can have 2/1. Just show the cash you good for nothing beggar peasant tramp cunts whose mothers whored themselves with ten yardies at the notting hill carnival just to put a stale loaf of bread on the table.
I think that pretty much sums everything up, good luck on the table. For those who have no sense, try to be a man and actually show the colour of your money and not be a mouthy shit without a pot to piss in trying to draw attention to yourself by using the name of a true baller.
As for any tramp challenging me to a 10k bet bring it on, you can have 2/1. Just show the cash you good for nothing beggar peasant tramp cunts whose mothers whored themselves with ten yardies at the notting hill carnival just to put a stale loaf of bread on the table.
I think that pretty much sums everything up, good luck on the table. For those who have no sense, try to be a man and actually show the colour of your money and not be a mouthy shit without a pot to piss in trying to draw attention to yourself by using the name of a true baller.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The plan...
I have a very good plan to get myself out of the current situation I am in. However I won't reveal the plan or the situation just yet. My blog entries are likely to dry up for a while but I shall make up for it in the future with plenty more stories and abuse. Good luck....
p.s. can anybody tell me why lots of people and plenty of them from america suddenly viewed my blog entry 'deadly river'.
p.s. can anybody tell me why lots of people and plenty of them from america suddenly viewed my blog entry 'deadly river'.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
mid afternoon madness....
Who are all these mental mid afternoon players. Surely they are not drunk at such an early hour? Nah, they must just have some retardia issues. Firstly we have some absolute mug spastic who stalks my games and I get him up to $200s in the end, I don't think I won a single one though! Most of the super bad beats I didn't save but then after having so many I saved a few to look at again. The first hand is how I lost three or four times against her/him/transgender weirdo. Basically the mug floats the flop with nothing and ends up making runner runner. Amazing how someone can keep getting there money in as a 25% shot at best yet still keep coming back for more. Obviously long term its good for me, but today he can go and fuck himself.
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 487476264 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $50 Buy-in + $2.25 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Wednesday, February 25, 13:44:36 GMT 2009
$50+$2.25 Super Turbo NL Hold'em #2707470
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,035 )
Seat 2: SHJ ( 965 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
SHJ posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kc, Kh ]
Punterz08 raises to [200]
SHJ calls [100]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, Ts, 6c ]
SHJ checks
Punterz08 bets [200]
SHJ calls [200]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]
SHJ checks
Punterz08 bets [600]
SHJ calls [565]
SHJ goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [35] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Kc, Kh ]
SHJ shows [ Ks, 7s ]
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
** Hand Conclusion **
SHJ wins 1,930 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 487476264 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 487483413 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $200 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Wednesday, February 25, 14:05:29 GMT 2009
$200+$10 NL Hold'em #2707948
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: SHJ ( 1,335 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,665 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
SHJ posts small blind [25]
Punterz08 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qc, Ac ]
SHJ raises to [150]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [1,665]
SHJ calls [1,185]
SHJ goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [330] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
SHJ shows [ Ah, 9h ]
Punterz08 shows [ Qc, Ac ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, 5h, 3h ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qh ]
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
SHJ wins 2,670 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 487483413 ends ************
Then we have one of my favourite fish of them all, hitandrun. He complains when I win a 40/60% yet the game before he got his money in so so so bad and didn't say a word. Stupid mug, how ugly is his play....
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 487474718 *****
PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Wednesday, February 25, 13:40:00 GMT 2009
$100+$5 PL Omaha #2708058
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Hitandrun ( 1,340 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,660 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
Hitandrun posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 8d, 5s, 9s, Qc ]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
Hitandrun raises to [180]
Punterz08 calls [120]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, 5c, Th ]
Hitandrun bets [360]
Punterz08 raises to [1,440]
Hitandrun calls [800]
Hitandrun goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [280] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Hitandrun shows [ Kc, 7s, 7d, Ts ]
Punterz08 shows [ 8d, 5s, 9s, Qc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Hitandrun wins 2,680 from main pot with a straight, King to Nine
************ Game 487474718 ends ************
Only around £200 down today, yet sharkscope shows the figure as £1000. How many games do they miss out on betfair? It must be over 10%. I shall quickly get back the £200 then go to the gym and play again tonight. Fucking retarded lunatics
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 487476264 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $50 Buy-in + $2.25 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Wednesday, February 25, 13:44:36 GMT 2009
$50+$2.25 Super Turbo NL Hold'em #2707470
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,035 )
Seat 2: SHJ ( 965 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
SHJ posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kc, Kh ]
Punterz08 raises to [200]
SHJ calls [100]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, Ts, 6c ]
SHJ checks
Punterz08 bets [200]
SHJ calls [200]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]
SHJ checks
Punterz08 bets [600]
SHJ calls [565]
SHJ goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [35] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Kc, Kh ]
SHJ shows [ Ks, 7s ]
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
** Hand Conclusion **
SHJ wins 1,930 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 487476264 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 487483413 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $200 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Wednesday, February 25, 14:05:29 GMT 2009
$200+$10 NL Hold'em #2707948
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: SHJ ( 1,335 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,665 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
SHJ posts small blind [25]
Punterz08 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qc, Ac ]
SHJ raises to [150]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [1,665]
SHJ calls [1,185]
SHJ goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [330] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
SHJ shows [ Ah, 9h ]
Punterz08 shows [ Qc, Ac ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4h, 5h, 3h ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qh ]
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
SHJ wins 2,670 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 487483413 ends ************
Then we have one of my favourite fish of them all, hitandrun. He complains when I win a 40/60% yet the game before he got his money in so so so bad and didn't say a word. Stupid mug, how ugly is his play....
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 487474718 *****
PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Wednesday, February 25, 13:40:00 GMT 2009
$100+$5 PL Omaha #2708058
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Hitandrun ( 1,340 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,660 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
Hitandrun posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 8d, 5s, 9s, Qc ]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
Hitandrun raises to [180]
Punterz08 calls [120]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, 5c, Th ]
Hitandrun bets [360]
Punterz08 raises to [1,440]
Hitandrun calls [800]
Hitandrun goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [280] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Hitandrun shows [ Kc, 7s, 7d, Ts ]
Punterz08 shows [ 8d, 5s, 9s, Qc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Hitandrun wins 2,680 from main pot with a straight, King to Nine
************ Game 487474718 ends ************
Only around £200 down today, yet sharkscope shows the figure as £1000. How many games do they miss out on betfair? It must be over 10%. I shall quickly get back the £200 then go to the gym and play again tonight. Fucking retarded lunatics
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Seven Heaven...
Can't be bothered to go into too much detail but ended up down $500 in Las Vegas. Before the last day I was up $14,700 and in effect lost the lost when I had 20 versus 7 on blackjack and the dealer turns 7 7 for 21. Anyways 7 is my lucky number at the moment....NOT..
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484577361 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 09:07:19 GMT 2009
Table Boron 11 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Grinson9 ( $2,049 )
Seat 3: zabri ( $1,040 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $2,310 )
Seat 5: Goosey82 ( $2,000 )
Punterz08 posts small blind [$10]
Grinson9 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kh, 6s ]
Punterz08 raises to [$60]
Grinson9 calls [$40]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ts, 6h, Kc ]
Grinson9 checks
Punterz08 bets [$90]
Grinson9 calls [$90]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8d ]
Grinson9 checks
Punterz08 bets [$300]
Grinson9 raises to [$900]
Punterz08 raises to [$1,500]
Grinson9 calls [$600]
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
Grinson9 goes all-in
Grinson9 bets [$399]
Punterz08 calls [$399]
** Showdown **
Grinson9 shows [ 7s, 7c ] three of a kind, Sevens
Punterz08 shows [ Kh, 6s ] two pair, Kings and Sixes
** Hand Conclusion **
Grinson9 wins $4,097 from main pot with three of a kind, Sevens
************ Game 484577361 ends ************
That 777 set me off and instead of being £1500 up I go kinda cranky and lose £7700. Not without having some bad luck though...
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484582029 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 09:41:13 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 4
Seat 2: zabri ( $2,334.50 )
Seat 3: Goosey82 ( $1,980 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $3,811.81 )
Seat 5: SkyLopez ( $2,238 )
Seat 6: El Pato ( $2,000 )
Goosey82 posts small blind [$10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 3d, Td ]
SkyLopez folds
zabri raises to [$52.50]
Goosey82 folds
Punterz08 calls [$32.50]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, Kc, 3h ]
Punterz08 checks
zabri checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ts ]
Punterz08 bets [$115]
zabri calls [$115]
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
Punterz08 checks
zabri bets [$258.75]
Punterz08 calls [$258.75]
** Showdown **
zabri shows [ Tc, Qd ] two pair, Queens and Tens
Punterz08 mucks [ 3d, Td ]
** Hand Conclusion **
zabri wins $860.50 from main pot with two pair, Queens and Tens
************ Game 484582029 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484591428 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 10:28:45 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: junkstar ( $1,970 )
Seat 2: zabri ( $5,318.02 )
Seat 3: Doobs ( $1,385 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $6,087.41 )
Seat 5: Levjevski ( $2,148.50 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $2,007 )
zabri posts small blind [$10]
Doobs posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 7c, 6s ]
Punterz08 raises to [$70]
Levjevski folds
Foldy Moldy calls [$70]
junkstar folds
zabri folds
Doobs folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 7h, Js ]
Punterz08 bets [$170]
Foldy Moldy calls [$170]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
Punterz08 checks
Foldy Moldy bets [$350]
Punterz08 raises to [$1,700]
Foldy Moldy goes all-in
Foldy Moldy raises to [$1,767]
Punterz08 calls [$67]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ 7c, 6s ]
Foldy Moldy shows [ 6h, 6c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4d ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Foldy Moldy wins $4,041 from main pot with three of a kind, Sixes
************ Game 484591428 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484595679 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 10:50:09 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 2: harwell ( $1,234.50 )
Seat 3: DeJeVU ( $1,953.50 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $4,760.91 )
Seat 5: Levjevski ( $2,087 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $3,345 )
Levjevski posts small blind [$10]
Foldy Moldy posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qd, Kc ]
harwell raises to [$70]
DeJeVU folds
Punterz08 calls [$70]
Levjevski folds
Foldy Moldy folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, 9s, Kd ]
harwell bets [$127.50]
Punterz08 raises to [$440]
harwell goes all-in
harwell raises to [$1,164.50]
Punterz08 calls [$724.50]
** Showdown **
harwell shows [ Ts, Jd ]
Punterz08 shows [ Qd, Kc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]
** Dealing River ** [ 6s ]
** Hand Conclusion **
harwell wins $2,496 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 484595679 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484596949 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 10:56:35 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: MrBarolo59 ( $1,940 )
Seat 2: harwell ( $3,267.50 )
Seat 3: DeJeVU ( $2,257 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $3,363.41 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $2,822 )
Foldy Moldy posts small blind [$10]
MrBarolo59 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ah, Ac ]
harwell folds
DeJeVU folds
Punterz08 raises to [$70]
Foldy Moldy calls [$60]
MrBarolo59 folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 9c, Jh ]
Foldy Moldy checks
Punterz08 bets [$160]
Foldy Moldy calls [$160]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
Foldy Moldy checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
Foldy Moldy bets [$360]
Punterz08 calls [$360]
** Showdown **
Foldy Moldy shows [ Jd, Kd ] three of a kind, Jacks
Punterz08 mucks [ Ah, Ac ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Foldy Moldy wins $1,197 from main pot with three of a kind, Jacks
************ Game 484596949 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484598378 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 11:02:54 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: MrBarolo59 ( $2,499 )
Seat 2: harwell ( $3,404.50 )
Seat 3: DeJeVU ( $2,177 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $2,612.41 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $2,936 )
DeJeVU posts small blind [$10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 7h, 8h ]
Foldy Moldy folds
MrBarolo59 raises to [$60]
harwell folds
DeJeVU folds
Punterz08 calls [$40]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 8d, 9d ]
Punterz08 checks
MrBarolo59 bets [$97.50]
Punterz08 raises to [$450]
MrBarolo59 calls [$352.50]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
Punterz08 bets [$1,100]
MrBarolo59 goes all-in
MrBarolo59 raises to [$1,989]
Punterz08 calls [$889]
** Showdown **
MrBarolo59 shows [ Ah, As ]
Punterz08 shows [ 7h, 8h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Th ]
** Hand Conclusion **
MrBarolo59 wins $5,005 from main pot with two pair, Aces and Nines
************ Game 484598378 ends ************
Absolutely endless bad beats and coolers for two hours...also some bad play by me! Everything that can go wrong has for a quick $10,000 loss. Lately too much is changing on the turn of one card, I need to change a few things so that variance does not come into play so much. O well that is me playing for a whole week just to get evens I guess, no big deal! Maybe by April I can make profit!
Back to work......
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484577361 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 09:07:19 GMT 2009
Table Boron 11 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Grinson9 ( $2,049 )
Seat 3: zabri ( $1,040 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $2,310 )
Seat 5: Goosey82 ( $2,000 )
Punterz08 posts small blind [$10]
Grinson9 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kh, 6s ]
Punterz08 raises to [$60]
Grinson9 calls [$40]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ts, 6h, Kc ]
Grinson9 checks
Punterz08 bets [$90]
Grinson9 calls [$90]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8d ]
Grinson9 checks
Punterz08 bets [$300]
Grinson9 raises to [$900]
Punterz08 raises to [$1,500]
Grinson9 calls [$600]
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
Grinson9 goes all-in
Grinson9 bets [$399]
Punterz08 calls [$399]
** Showdown **
Grinson9 shows [ 7s, 7c ] three of a kind, Sevens
Punterz08 shows [ Kh, 6s ] two pair, Kings and Sixes
** Hand Conclusion **
Grinson9 wins $4,097 from main pot with three of a kind, Sevens
************ Game 484577361 ends ************
That 777 set me off and instead of being £1500 up I go kinda cranky and lose £7700. Not without having some bad luck though...
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484582029 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 09:41:13 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 4
Seat 2: zabri ( $2,334.50 )
Seat 3: Goosey82 ( $1,980 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $3,811.81 )
Seat 5: SkyLopez ( $2,238 )
Seat 6: El Pato ( $2,000 )
Goosey82 posts small blind [$10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 3d, Td ]
SkyLopez folds
zabri raises to [$52.50]
Goosey82 folds
Punterz08 calls [$32.50]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, Kc, 3h ]
Punterz08 checks
zabri checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ts ]
Punterz08 bets [$115]
zabri calls [$115]
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
Punterz08 checks
zabri bets [$258.75]
Punterz08 calls [$258.75]
** Showdown **
zabri shows [ Tc, Qd ] two pair, Queens and Tens
Punterz08 mucks [ 3d, Td ]
** Hand Conclusion **
zabri wins $860.50 from main pot with two pair, Queens and Tens
************ Game 484582029 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484591428 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 10:28:45 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: junkstar ( $1,970 )
Seat 2: zabri ( $5,318.02 )
Seat 3: Doobs ( $1,385 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $6,087.41 )
Seat 5: Levjevski ( $2,148.50 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $2,007 )
zabri posts small blind [$10]
Doobs posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 7c, 6s ]
Punterz08 raises to [$70]
Levjevski folds
Foldy Moldy calls [$70]
junkstar folds
zabri folds
Doobs folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 7h, Js ]
Punterz08 bets [$170]
Foldy Moldy calls [$170]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
Punterz08 checks
Foldy Moldy bets [$350]
Punterz08 raises to [$1,700]
Foldy Moldy goes all-in
Foldy Moldy raises to [$1,767]
Punterz08 calls [$67]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ 7c, 6s ]
Foldy Moldy shows [ 6h, 6c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4d ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Foldy Moldy wins $4,041 from main pot with three of a kind, Sixes
************ Game 484591428 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484595679 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 10:50:09 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 2: harwell ( $1,234.50 )
Seat 3: DeJeVU ( $1,953.50 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $4,760.91 )
Seat 5: Levjevski ( $2,087 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $3,345 )
Levjevski posts small blind [$10]
Foldy Moldy posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qd, Kc ]
harwell raises to [$70]
DeJeVU folds
Punterz08 calls [$70]
Levjevski folds
Foldy Moldy folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, 9s, Kd ]
harwell bets [$127.50]
Punterz08 raises to [$440]
harwell goes all-in
harwell raises to [$1,164.50]
Punterz08 calls [$724.50]
** Showdown **
harwell shows [ Ts, Jd ]
Punterz08 shows [ Qd, Kc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Js ]
** Dealing River ** [ 6s ]
** Hand Conclusion **
harwell wins $2,496 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 484595679 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484596949 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 10:56:35 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: MrBarolo59 ( $1,940 )
Seat 2: harwell ( $3,267.50 )
Seat 3: DeJeVU ( $2,257 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $3,363.41 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $2,822 )
Foldy Moldy posts small blind [$10]
MrBarolo59 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ah, Ac ]
harwell folds
DeJeVU folds
Punterz08 raises to [$70]
Foldy Moldy calls [$60]
MrBarolo59 folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 9c, Jh ]
Foldy Moldy checks
Punterz08 bets [$160]
Foldy Moldy calls [$160]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
Foldy Moldy checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
Foldy Moldy bets [$360]
Punterz08 calls [$360]
** Showdown **
Foldy Moldy shows [ Jd, Kd ] three of a kind, Jacks
Punterz08 mucks [ Ah, Ac ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Foldy Moldy wins $1,197 from main pot with three of a kind, Jacks
************ Game 484596949 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 484598378 *****
NL $10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, February 19, 11:02:54 GMT 2009
Table Boron 07 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 5
Seat 1: MrBarolo59 ( $2,499 )
Seat 2: harwell ( $3,404.50 )
Seat 3: DeJeVU ( $2,177 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( $2,612.41 )
Seat 6: Foldy Moldy ( $2,936 )
DeJeVU posts small blind [$10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 7h, 8h ]
Foldy Moldy folds
MrBarolo59 raises to [$60]
harwell folds
DeJeVU folds
Punterz08 calls [$40]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 8d, 9d ]
Punterz08 checks
MrBarolo59 bets [$97.50]
Punterz08 raises to [$450]
MrBarolo59 calls [$352.50]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
Punterz08 bets [$1,100]
MrBarolo59 goes all-in
MrBarolo59 raises to [$1,989]
Punterz08 calls [$889]
** Showdown **
MrBarolo59 shows [ Ah, As ]
Punterz08 shows [ 7h, 8h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Th ]
** Hand Conclusion **
MrBarolo59 wins $5,005 from main pot with two pair, Aces and Nines
************ Game 484598378 ends ************
Absolutely endless bad beats and coolers for two hours...also some bad play by me! Everything that can go wrong has for a quick $10,000 loss. Lately too much is changing on the turn of one card, I need to change a few things so that variance does not come into play so much. O well that is me playing for a whole week just to get evens I guess, no big deal! Maybe by April I can make profit!
Back to work......
Las Vegas Uncovered...
Woke up at 5a.m., 9pm Las Vegas time. Decided to blog about my recent Vegas trip but changed my mind ten seconds ago! In the middle of booking another trip to Vegas in March at the moment. I definitely go back on April 16th with two friends so perhaps should wait until then. No energy at the moment to make any long posts so good luck and goodnight...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Back From Vegas....
Back today, don't know if I should reveal pictures and stories etc. Do people really want to hear stories of me pulling two 25 year old babes on my first night and waking up to physiopherapist sports massages from them? Still it was funny ringing friends in London working in the rain when I am with two babes and the girls are asking why they are not here! I should post the stories probably because a few people such as my good friend the leopard are interested. I will see how I feel when I wake up, I had one big arguement in Las Vegas this trip also. I lost $15,000 on the turn of one card in black jack. I still missed catching up with my future wife, surely it is only a matter of time before we meet again! O yea, I never met up with the Canadian girl as she was stuck in Miami...good choice! Vegas was not so hot! Well whatever etc anyways blah blah back soon no doubt...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
quick break needed...
Right over the last week or so people may assume I was stressing over £11,000 owed. I actually was not, it was simply the final straw. During the last week I am almost £20,000 down. I have started doing sports bets again, here is an example of one bet:
19:31 7168445128 2009-02-07
19:23 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 8.00 30.00 Lost (210.00) 3,967.24
19:31 7168422830 2009-02-07
19:21 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 7.00 40.00 Lost (240.00) 4,177.24
19:31 7168389088 2009-02-07
19:18 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 4.72 700.00 Lost (2,603.31) 4,417.24
19:31 7168384047 2009-02-07
19:17 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 4.82 1,500.00 Lost (5,733.89) 7,020.55
19:31 7168355669 2009-02-07
19:14 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 36.00 100.00 Won 3,500.00 12,754.44
19:31 7168330617 2009-02-07
19:12 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 24.00 200.00 Won 4,600.00 9,254.44
19:31 7168327085 2009-02-07
19:11 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 22.00 200.00 Won 4,200.00 4,654.44
19:31 7168321203 2009-02-07
19:11 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 25.93 300.00 Lost (7,478.88) 454.44
19:31 7168241172 2009-02-07
19:03 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 2.80 500.00 Lost (900.00) 7,933.32
19:31 7168157971 2009-02-07
18:55 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 7.20 500.01 Won 3,100.06 8,833.32
19:31 7166968941 2009-02-07
17:10 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 2.02 2,000.00 Won 2,040.00 5,733.26
Its silly to sports bet when you play poker. Now added to this something has happened that has seen me so close to going to prison, it is still ongoing which scares me as my life is too good to go inside for a year or two. But at the same time I doubt I can ever tame my savage instinct which I have. It has taken me years and years to control yet every now and then something comes up which brings the worst out in me and I just know I will get into big trouble. Anyways having come so close on Saturday to doing something silly I got lucky and escaped. But this weekend I know I will feel the same and probably end up doing what I almost done last weekend, so today I found a compromise, go away to Vegas for the weekend! I am arriving In vegas on thursday with $30,000 and having a crazy weekend! On friday until sunday an absolutely beautiful girl I know from canada is staying with me also, then on Monday I fly back to London hopefully richer and much happier! Either way I avoid London and a likely prison sentence this weekend! So wish me luck in vegas, god i do love poker, america and life in general! Whatever happens generally we are in control!
19:31 7168445128 2009-02-07
19:23 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 8.00 30.00 Lost (210.00) 3,967.24
19:31 7168422830 2009-02-07
19:21 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 7.00 40.00 Lost (240.00) 4,177.24
19:31 7168389088 2009-02-07
19:18 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 4.72 700.00 Lost (2,603.31) 4,417.24
19:31 7168384047 2009-02-07
19:17 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 4.82 1,500.00 Lost (5,733.89) 7,020.55
19:31 7168355669 2009-02-07
19:14 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 36.00 100.00 Won 3,500.00 12,754.44
19:31 7168330617 2009-02-07
19:12 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 24.00 200.00 Won 4,600.00 9,254.44
19:31 7168327085 2009-02-07
19:11 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 22.00 200.00 Won 4,200.00 4,654.44
19:31 7168321203 2009-02-07
19:11 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 25.93 300.00 Lost (7,478.88) 454.44
19:31 7168241172 2009-02-07
19:03 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Lay 2.80 500.00 Lost (900.00) 7,933.32
19:31 7168157971 2009-02-07
18:55 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 7.20 500.01 Won 3,100.06 8,833.32
19:31 7166968941 2009-02-07
17:10 Fixtures 07 February Portsmouth v Liverpool / Match Odds / Liverpool
Back 2.02 2,000.00 Won 2,040.00 5,733.26
Its silly to sports bet when you play poker. Now added to this something has happened that has seen me so close to going to prison, it is still ongoing which scares me as my life is too good to go inside for a year or two. But at the same time I doubt I can ever tame my savage instinct which I have. It has taken me years and years to control yet every now and then something comes up which brings the worst out in me and I just know I will get into big trouble. Anyways having come so close on Saturday to doing something silly I got lucky and escaped. But this weekend I know I will feel the same and probably end up doing what I almost done last weekend, so today I found a compromise, go away to Vegas for the weekend! I am arriving In vegas on thursday with $30,000 and having a crazy weekend! On friday until sunday an absolutely beautiful girl I know from canada is staying with me also, then on Monday I fly back to London hopefully richer and much happier! Either way I avoid London and a likely prison sentence this weekend! So wish me luck in vegas, god i do love poker, america and life in general! Whatever happens generally we are in control!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Repaid Loan....
It always feels like a victory when I am paid back what is mine, weird! Well here is a reply made on this loan from the borrower. Only fair I publish both peoples versions of events. After I will make a brief summary.
ThebigD 06 Feb 16:42
Message from Duffs
It’s been very interesting reading the forum the last few days and seeing what people have to say and finding out who your friends are and who likes to stir. I don’t think I have been wicked to people in the past and have always strived to do my best. There are some facts here and some that are complete rubbish but I will attempt to explain and you can draw your own conclusions.
A lot of people slate off Punterz but I always got on OK with him and met him at Wembley and Singapore where apart from talking at 100 mph he was OK. Dealem then asked me if I wanted to do his mortgage for him which I ended up doing and as it wasn’t the easiest mortgage in the world and ended up making a loss if you take into account my time but that’s really not an issue. After that we had numerous chats regarding poker and I stuck by him and never ever said a bad word about him on the forums and relayed my feelings on various posts that I felt he was cheated in the stax promotion.. So I thought we had a reasonable friendship going.
About 4 or 5 months ago there was a deal open to me which I was a few grand short in cash of completing so I asked him if he fancied earning a few hundred quid for a short period of time. He did this and this was repaid a couple of days late due to me not having his bank account details but he was well compensated in ways of the extra interest he got back. I apologised at the time that it was a couple of days late but he said no problems at all.
Just after Christmas I had a very dear friend who was in danger of losing everything and I offered to help them out. A lot of my money is tied up in investments so as the markets are sitting at an all time low asked Punterz if he could help out with 10k and I would pay him 11k back at the end of January. He said no problems and then duly transferred the money.
Now sometimes in life you get hit for six on things and this happened to me at the beginning of January. You will notice that I stopped blogging and was no longer on msn. I went through a period I guess of depression and had my head up my backside.
The days click by without you really noticing and then it was the end of the month. The end of the month fell at the weekend and on Monday I was completely snowed in and actually managed to spend some time with my boys and took them sledging.
On Tuesday I had a vile E Mail from Punterz and then saw the forum where he had posted on his blog that I was a crook and a man with no morals along with my bank account. Now to set the record straight on this one – I know I should have contacted him before but as I have said it was a traumatic time for me and was the end of the month before I knew it and I can only apologise for that. However I did not have ONE single E Mail from him and yet he has my work E Mail AND my msn email. I did not have his mobile phone number as my phone had been wiped after being in for repair. I now know his number and indeed there was a few missed calls from someones mobile which now turns out it was his but he did not leave a single message on my phone. I have an answerphone he could have left a message and he also has my work number where I have voicemail and a secretary and no messages were left. I am also pretty sure he has my home phone number.
So after being 1 day late and making no attempt to contact me ( I know he phoned but as I said made no effort to just say hi its punterz can u give me a buzz) for a reason only known to him he has set out to destroy my reputation. I was in the wrong for letting it slip past the end of the month but there were some very personal reasons that I really don’t want to go into and don’t feel I have to but as I have said it was the end of the month before I knew it.
I have repaid him £10,000 now and will do the other £1,000 tomorrow as my bank only allows a limit of £10k per day.
Make of this what you will but every word I have said here is the truth and I truly will remember all the kind comments on this post and will also remember those that love a little stir.
To the day I die I will never understand why Punterz felt the need to post this in a public domain when all I had done him in the past was favours. He mentions that other people owe him £40k so where is the dirt on them? I really don’t know what I ever did to hurt him and if he had left me one single message at all then I would have replied immediately. Incidentally I have been in communication with him via his threatening E Mails all week and haven’t ignored him since this post.
This is my very last post on this matter and hopefully this can now be put to bed.
PS – No I don’t have any financial difficulties and no I would not gamble with 10k and can assure you I make a profit with my poker and not a loss but thanks for all your concerns
Now personally I think Duffs appears to be a very good father to his kids and a good husband to his wife. This is the main thing in life so if you are not so successful in other areas it is not a bad thing. I will add when it comes to mortgages he definitely knows his stuff there also and I still highly recommend him. One thing I must question is if he has ever made an apology in his entire life? Some people may be nearly always right, but nobody is ever 100% right. Now he has said something to me about the last month which I can relate to and see why he is stressed, yet all he needed to do was tell me a few weeks before and I would never have said anything.
Before anyone asks for loans like I am some kind of loan shark don't bother! £1,000 interest on a £10,000 loan for 6-7 weeks when the money is instantly available to you is not a lot. I absolutely did not do it for the money but as a favour, with a previous loan to duffs I actually asked and accepted for a reduced amount of money than was offered to me. Previously as stated he repaid a week late and I was fine with that, why he can't see things are totally different this time christ only knows.
I will not point out lots of contradictions between what has been said over the last seven weeks as I hope duffs sorts his current problem out fairly quickly, however if months down the line when he is fighting fit and stress free he wishes to add anything so be it. The final thing I will add is that to ask to borrow money to complete a deal when in fact it is to loan to a friend means the whole thing started off with dishonesty. Well I hope duffs sorts everything out and then in a few months time can see things in a different light, if I see him at a live event I will still let him buy me a drink.
Everybody can learn a lesson from this, sometimes both people in a dispute can make mistakes and be wrong on some things. There is nothing wrong with compromise and accepting some fault. I am sure duffs will have a great home game as usual this year, and if anything will get even more entrants due to this bit of publicity!
ThebigD 06 Feb 16:42
Message from Duffs
It’s been very interesting reading the forum the last few days and seeing what people have to say and finding out who your friends are and who likes to stir. I don’t think I have been wicked to people in the past and have always strived to do my best. There are some facts here and some that are complete rubbish but I will attempt to explain and you can draw your own conclusions.
A lot of people slate off Punterz but I always got on OK with him and met him at Wembley and Singapore where apart from talking at 100 mph he was OK. Dealem then asked me if I wanted to do his mortgage for him which I ended up doing and as it wasn’t the easiest mortgage in the world and ended up making a loss if you take into account my time but that’s really not an issue. After that we had numerous chats regarding poker and I stuck by him and never ever said a bad word about him on the forums and relayed my feelings on various posts that I felt he was cheated in the stax promotion.. So I thought we had a reasonable friendship going.
About 4 or 5 months ago there was a deal open to me which I was a few grand short in cash of completing so I asked him if he fancied earning a few hundred quid for a short period of time. He did this and this was repaid a couple of days late due to me not having his bank account details but he was well compensated in ways of the extra interest he got back. I apologised at the time that it was a couple of days late but he said no problems at all.
Just after Christmas I had a very dear friend who was in danger of losing everything and I offered to help them out. A lot of my money is tied up in investments so as the markets are sitting at an all time low asked Punterz if he could help out with 10k and I would pay him 11k back at the end of January. He said no problems and then duly transferred the money.
Now sometimes in life you get hit for six on things and this happened to me at the beginning of January. You will notice that I stopped blogging and was no longer on msn. I went through a period I guess of depression and had my head up my backside.
The days click by without you really noticing and then it was the end of the month. The end of the month fell at the weekend and on Monday I was completely snowed in and actually managed to spend some time with my boys and took them sledging.
On Tuesday I had a vile E Mail from Punterz and then saw the forum where he had posted on his blog that I was a crook and a man with no morals along with my bank account. Now to set the record straight on this one – I know I should have contacted him before but as I have said it was a traumatic time for me and was the end of the month before I knew it and I can only apologise for that. However I did not have ONE single E Mail from him and yet he has my work E Mail AND my msn email. I did not have his mobile phone number as my phone had been wiped after being in for repair. I now know his number and indeed there was a few missed calls from someones mobile which now turns out it was his but he did not leave a single message on my phone. I have an answerphone he could have left a message and he also has my work number where I have voicemail and a secretary and no messages were left. I am also pretty sure he has my home phone number.
So after being 1 day late and making no attempt to contact me ( I know he phoned but as I said made no effort to just say hi its punterz can u give me a buzz) for a reason only known to him he has set out to destroy my reputation. I was in the wrong for letting it slip past the end of the month but there were some very personal reasons that I really don’t want to go into and don’t feel I have to but as I have said it was the end of the month before I knew it.
I have repaid him £10,000 now and will do the other £1,000 tomorrow as my bank only allows a limit of £10k per day.
Make of this what you will but every word I have said here is the truth and I truly will remember all the kind comments on this post and will also remember those that love a little stir.
To the day I die I will never understand why Punterz felt the need to post this in a public domain when all I had done him in the past was favours. He mentions that other people owe him £40k so where is the dirt on them? I really don’t know what I ever did to hurt him and if he had left me one single message at all then I would have replied immediately. Incidentally I have been in communication with him via his threatening E Mails all week and haven’t ignored him since this post.
This is my very last post on this matter and hopefully this can now be put to bed.
PS – No I don’t have any financial difficulties and no I would not gamble with 10k and can assure you I make a profit with my poker and not a loss but thanks for all your concerns
Now personally I think Duffs appears to be a very good father to his kids and a good husband to his wife. This is the main thing in life so if you are not so successful in other areas it is not a bad thing. I will add when it comes to mortgages he definitely knows his stuff there also and I still highly recommend him. One thing I must question is if he has ever made an apology in his entire life? Some people may be nearly always right, but nobody is ever 100% right. Now he has said something to me about the last month which I can relate to and see why he is stressed, yet all he needed to do was tell me a few weeks before and I would never have said anything.
Before anyone asks for loans like I am some kind of loan shark don't bother! £1,000 interest on a £10,000 loan for 6-7 weeks when the money is instantly available to you is not a lot. I absolutely did not do it for the money but as a favour, with a previous loan to duffs I actually asked and accepted for a reduced amount of money than was offered to me. Previously as stated he repaid a week late and I was fine with that, why he can't see things are totally different this time christ only knows.
I will not point out lots of contradictions between what has been said over the last seven weeks as I hope duffs sorts his current problem out fairly quickly, however if months down the line when he is fighting fit and stress free he wishes to add anything so be it. The final thing I will add is that to ask to borrow money to complete a deal when in fact it is to loan to a friend means the whole thing started off with dishonesty. Well I hope duffs sorts everything out and then in a few months time can see things in a different light, if I see him at a live event I will still let him buy me a drink.
Everybody can learn a lesson from this, sometimes both people in a dispute can make mistakes and be wrong on some things. There is nothing wrong with compromise and accepting some fault. I am sure duffs will have a great home game as usual this year, and if anything will get even more entrants due to this bit of publicity!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Deleted post....
The last post is deleted temporarily. Hopefully the debt is paid in the very near future or I shall just put it back up, well an upgraded/updated version. As I have said before if you loan money the best thing that can happen is you get paid back. There are just two parts I will post for now...
Basically I need 10k to complete a deal for about 6 weeks and I will give you back 11k by the end of January. It might be earlier than the end of January but that will be the latest date.
as I have said I will assure you 11k will be back with you by the end of Jan.
Now no matter what anyone says it is important to remember that if you agree a deal and give assurances you must honour them. If you feel as though you cannot you should approach the other party as soon as possible. Why should the other party have to go even a day past the promised date without any contact. Maybe they feel as though they have important issues on which are higher priority. Bottom line is it is a fair amount of money and a priority to me. This is without even going into the you avoided me....o no I never arguement. Totally irelevent, a deal was broken without any explanation being given and still no money repaid with the borrower accusing the lender of being stitched up. Now I can assure people I would not lend out £10,000 in the hope the borrower did not pay up so I could publicly humiliate them. I could easily make a character assassination but have so far kept it all at the minimum level of fuss possible. If the original deal was not broken none of this would have happened....and whose fault is this?
Hopefully within the next few days I am repaid and then I will not make any other comment on the matter other than to say it has been repaid. Obviously this will change if the borrower makes false allegations. I am sure everyone will agree that the borrower broke the deal and by not making contact before the deadline is being unreasonable. Even if it is one minute or one day or one week late it still is not acceptable. Why does the person loaning almost always have to chase back their own money? It is ridiculous and a reflection of modern society.
Basically I need 10k to complete a deal for about 6 weeks and I will give you back 11k by the end of January. It might be earlier than the end of January but that will be the latest date.
as I have said I will assure you 11k will be back with you by the end of Jan.
Now no matter what anyone says it is important to remember that if you agree a deal and give assurances you must honour them. If you feel as though you cannot you should approach the other party as soon as possible. Why should the other party have to go even a day past the promised date without any contact. Maybe they feel as though they have important issues on which are higher priority. Bottom line is it is a fair amount of money and a priority to me. This is without even going into the you avoided me....o no I never arguement. Totally irelevent, a deal was broken without any explanation being given and still no money repaid with the borrower accusing the lender of being stitched up. Now I can assure people I would not lend out £10,000 in the hope the borrower did not pay up so I could publicly humiliate them. I could easily make a character assassination but have so far kept it all at the minimum level of fuss possible. If the original deal was not broken none of this would have happened....and whose fault is this?
Hopefully within the next few days I am repaid and then I will not make any other comment on the matter other than to say it has been repaid. Obviously this will change if the borrower makes false allegations. I am sure everyone will agree that the borrower broke the deal and by not making contact before the deadline is being unreasonable. Even if it is one minute or one day or one week late it still is not acceptable. Why does the person loaning almost always have to chase back their own money? It is ridiculous and a reflection of modern society.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Ridiculously Stupid....
8a.m. and just got home. Made a rare trip to a casino last night. Guessing I won around £60,000. Too smashed to count it at the moment. Do I sleep or do I play poker to retain my unbeaten title......
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Let Your Play Do Your Talking....
Playing some awful fish today who couldn't stop running his mouth off. Definitely one of the worst I have ever played, calling all in with the liks of J4o then laughing when he sucked out. Anyways after yet another bad call by him I left him with the minimum amount of chips possible...
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,999.99 )
Seat 2: p0k3rK1nG ( 0.01 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
p0k3rK1nG posts small blind [0.01]
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,999.99 )
Seat 2: p0k3rK1nG ( 0.01 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
p0k3rK1nG posts small blind [0.01]
Arbboy CHEAT...
Been out all night whilst a certain person is still playing a 14+ hour session. Arbboy is an absolutely retarded cheat, if you are going to cheat do it but don't draw attention to yourself like a retard! Any site other than betfair his account would have been closed long ago! Well whatever he cheats and wins, £5000 a month well done, I would flip a coin for his yearly profit/ net worth any day of the week the retarded cheating peasant lol. Sleep for me, nite!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
£20,000 reached...
As of five minutes ago my total profit since my big loss almost three weeks ago has hit £20,200. I just won two virtually back to back pots of $4000+ on plo cash. I wish I had of not had any alcoholic drinks in the last three weeks as it would have been very satisfying to have reached my goal and then gone for a nice pint of beer! With rakeback to come I will actually end the month in profit which is quite good. Hopefully I can make an easy £20,000+ next month without having any big losses. My goal for next month is to scoop in some of the money owed to me, it currently stands at around £40,000 with the two biggest debts not even answering or returning calls! In January I managed to collect just £3000 of money owed to me yet someone still loaned out money, i am a sucker! In the current economical climate it is adviseable to lend absolutely nobody money as lots of loans will be written off in the future. Banks are taking an absolute pounding at the moment yet I am still confident Barclays shares will pass £1.50 in the next 2 weeks. They are currently £1.10.
Had an email from Betfair asking questions about customer service, here are there two questions and my reply:
1) Thinking about your most recent contact with the Betfair Helpdesk:
How satisfied are you with the way in which your query was handled by our representative?
2) If you were to recommend a gambling company to a friend or family member; how likely would you be to recommend Betfair?
Please indicate your likelihood to recommend Betfair on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all likely and 10 is very likely
You can of course give any score in between.
betfair customer service are a nightmare fullstop, why even ask for customers opinions when you really listen. support is an absolute joke.
Why do they keep spending money on useless surveys? They rarely listen as it is. Finally a big thanks to West Ham United last night for crushing Hull City and winning me a nice few ££££!
Had an email from Betfair asking questions about customer service, here are there two questions and my reply:
1) Thinking about your most recent contact with the Betfair Helpdesk:
How satisfied are you with the way in which your query was handled by our representative?
2) If you were to recommend a gambling company to a friend or family member; how likely would you be to recommend Betfair?
Please indicate your likelihood to recommend Betfair on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all likely and 10 is very likely
You can of course give any score in between.
betfair customer service are a nightmare fullstop, why even ask for customers opinions when you really listen. support is an absolute joke.
Why do they keep spending money on useless surveys? They rarely listen as it is. Finally a big thanks to West Ham United last night for crushing Hull City and winning me a nice few ££££!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Almost there....
Didn't play too much today yet still made £2600, £1000 of that replaces the loss at the end of last night unfortunately.
Punterz08 85 £32 £118 26% £2,724 WWWLWWLL Betfair <12Hours
So current running total is on £17,700. With a bit of luck I can reach £20,000 before my rakeback is paid in and use my rakeback for a drunken weekend away. I haven't been playing well since around July of last year. I have just the one fault in my game, obviously I cannot tell people what it is however I just can't seem to get rid of it. I played a few exceptionally good hands today, including bluffing for virtually the game in a $1000 omaha game on the river with 8 hi and in a $1000 holdem game making a big call with second pair when correctly suspecting a missed draw. So some hints that I am on the track back to playing as well as I was a year ago. I really do have a nagging feeling that I am going to have to wait until the start of next year before I am playing as well as I know I can. Thankfully so many rubbish players that even when I am by my standards playing average I still make a decent amount. Time shall tell...
Running total £17,700.
Punterz08 85 £32 £118 26% £2,724 WWWLWWLL Betfair <12Hours
So current running total is on £17,700. With a bit of luck I can reach £20,000 before my rakeback is paid in and use my rakeback for a drunken weekend away. I haven't been playing well since around July of last year. I have just the one fault in my game, obviously I cannot tell people what it is however I just can't seem to get rid of it. I played a few exceptionally good hands today, including bluffing for virtually the game in a $1000 omaha game on the river with 8 hi and in a $1000 holdem game making a big call with second pair when correctly suspecting a missed draw. So some hints that I am on the track back to playing as well as I was a year ago. I really do have a nagging feeling that I am going to have to wait until the start of next year before I am playing as well as I know I can. Thankfully so many rubbish players that even when I am by my standards playing average I still make a decent amount. Time shall tell...
Running total £17,700.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Mixed Day....
Involves decent profit, the canadian mafia, betfair paying up and stocks and shares!
Lets start with the shares. I have been following developments with Barclays Bank share prices for the last seven days. I knew they were a bit of a gamble but just couldn't see how they would go under. The closing price of 50p last Friday was definitely the rock bottom in my opinion. I encouraged many people over the weekend to get on them as soon as trading started today, they opened up at 62p. Naturally me being stupid I didn't wake up until they had hit 72p where I made my order. They finished the day on 88p a day rise of around 75%. I shall hold on to them for at least the next month and then decide what to do. The world is in an absolutely financial crisis at the moment and many still don't realise how bad it is. Below are two links which are quite interesting:
Now for the Canadian Mafia, I thought I had an agreement with them yesterday but it turns out I have not. I am guessing they are on late at night high on drugs and drunk and forget things. Well I don't mind so much as only one of them has an edge on me in SNG and the others I am better than. The guy who is better than me I shall make a few adjustments and soon beat him. Well they pissed me off so I played them at cash and won quite a bit from them. I sat with $1000 against the underboss (idontfold) and won $1500 before quitting when I noticed the boss (Flavorflav) was out and I took him for a quick $5000. With the strong dollar versus the pound it worked out around £5000 for around ten minutes.
Seat 1: idontfold ( $1,624.50 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( $1,722 )
Punterz08 posts small blind [$10]
idontfold posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ ? ? ]
Punterz08 raises to [$45]
idontfold raises to [$144]
Punterz08 calls [$99]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 5s, Ad ]
idontfold bets [$216]
Punterz08 calls [$216]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
idontfold bets [$420]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [$1,362]
idontfold folds
Returning uncalled bet [$942] to Punterz08
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins $1,559 from main pot
************ Game 472876265 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472879349 *****
NL $50/$100 Texas Hold'em - Monday, January 26, 11:50:35 GMT 2009
Table London 117 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( $5,998 )
Seat 2: FlavorFlav ( $7,050.64 )
FlavorFlav posts small blind [$50]
Punterz08 posts big blind [$100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 8s, Jd ]
FlavorFlav raises to [$300]
Punterz08 calls [$200]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Th, 6s, 7c ]
Punterz08 checks
FlavorFlav bets [$410]
Punterz08 calls [$410]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
Punterz08 checks
FlavorFlav bets [$1,200]
Punterz08 raises to [$3,765]
FlavorFlav raises to [$6,330]
Punterz08 calls [$1,523]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [$1,042] to FlavorFlav
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ 8s, Jd ]
FlavorFlav shows [ 8d, As ]
** Dealing River ** [ 7d ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins $11,995 from main pot with a straight, Jack to Seven
************ Game 472879349 ends ************
Having spoken to idontfold after it appears he is not the bad guy, flavorflav clearly cannot control his ego. I disliked them both equally until recently, now the difference is huge. If I ever see idontfold at a wsop or something I would happily buy him a beer. If I ever bumped into flavorflav I would kick him in his head then punch him until I cracked a few of his ribs. People never realise how serious you are until they feel the first punch hit or hear the sound of the first bone break. O well, R.I.P. Canadian Mafia.
Now on to betfair they finally paid up the outstanding leaderboards monies of £1000 plus back to normal with a prompt payment for last week of £2400. Having lost on tournaments my days poker profits stood at £5500 including leaderboard cashes.
The current profit is £16,000 on the way towards £20,000 with rakeback I had virtually achieved it. Not bad for 17 days work. However since I came in I have lost £1500 back. Had some horrendous bad beats including this one here for $1000...
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 473254425 *****
PL Omaha $500 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Tuesday, January 27, 00:19:32 GMT 2009
$500+$10 PL Omaha #2600220
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 2,480 )
Seat 2: COBRA69 ( 1,520 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
COBRA69 posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ad, Ah, 7c, 9c ]
COBRA69 calls [10]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
COBRA69 raises to [180]
Punterz08 raises to [540]
COBRA69 goes all-in
COBRA69 raises to [1,520]
Punterz08 calls [980]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Ad, Ah, 7c, 9c ]
COBRA69 shows [ Kh, Qh, As, 9d ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 3s, Th ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
** Hand Conclusion **
COBRA69 wins 3,040 from main pot with a straight, Ace to Ten
************ Game 473254425 ends ************
No big deal, you win some you lose some. I was 75% preflop and 85% on the flop! I will keep my current running total as £16000 as I am still playing, any profit or loss tonight I shall roll over to my next session. Back to the tables more work to be done! Good luck to the rest of you, except for the Canadian Mafia, may you lose your homes in a game of poker or in a tornado.
Lets start with the shares. I have been following developments with Barclays Bank share prices for the last seven days. I knew they were a bit of a gamble but just couldn't see how they would go under. The closing price of 50p last Friday was definitely the rock bottom in my opinion. I encouraged many people over the weekend to get on them as soon as trading started today, they opened up at 62p. Naturally me being stupid I didn't wake up until they had hit 72p where I made my order. They finished the day on 88p a day rise of around 75%. I shall hold on to them for at least the next month and then decide what to do. The world is in an absolutely financial crisis at the moment and many still don't realise how bad it is. Below are two links which are quite interesting:
Now for the Canadian Mafia, I thought I had an agreement with them yesterday but it turns out I have not. I am guessing they are on late at night high on drugs and drunk and forget things. Well I don't mind so much as only one of them has an edge on me in SNG and the others I am better than. The guy who is better than me I shall make a few adjustments and soon beat him. Well they pissed me off so I played them at cash and won quite a bit from them. I sat with $1000 against the underboss (idontfold) and won $1500 before quitting when I noticed the boss (Flavorflav) was out and I took him for a quick $5000. With the strong dollar versus the pound it worked out around £5000 for around ten minutes.
Seat 1: idontfold ( $1,624.50 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( $1,722 )
Punterz08 posts small blind [$10]
idontfold posts big blind [$20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ ? ? ]
Punterz08 raises to [$45]
idontfold raises to [$144]
Punterz08 calls [$99]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 5s, Ad ]
idontfold bets [$216]
Punterz08 calls [$216]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
idontfold bets [$420]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [$1,362]
idontfold folds
Returning uncalled bet [$942] to Punterz08
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins $1,559 from main pot
************ Game 472876265 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472879349 *****
NL $50/$100 Texas Hold'em - Monday, January 26, 11:50:35 GMT 2009
Table London 117 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( $5,998 )
Seat 2: FlavorFlav ( $7,050.64 )
FlavorFlav posts small blind [$50]
Punterz08 posts big blind [$100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 8s, Jd ]
FlavorFlav raises to [$300]
Punterz08 calls [$200]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Th, 6s, 7c ]
Punterz08 checks
FlavorFlav bets [$410]
Punterz08 calls [$410]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
Punterz08 checks
FlavorFlav bets [$1,200]
Punterz08 raises to [$3,765]
FlavorFlav raises to [$6,330]
Punterz08 calls [$1,523]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [$1,042] to FlavorFlav
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ 8s, Jd ]
FlavorFlav shows [ 8d, As ]
** Dealing River ** [ 7d ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins $11,995 from main pot with a straight, Jack to Seven
************ Game 472879349 ends ************
Having spoken to idontfold after it appears he is not the bad guy, flavorflav clearly cannot control his ego. I disliked them both equally until recently, now the difference is huge. If I ever see idontfold at a wsop or something I would happily buy him a beer. If I ever bumped into flavorflav I would kick him in his head then punch him until I cracked a few of his ribs. People never realise how serious you are until they feel the first punch hit or hear the sound of the first bone break. O well, R.I.P. Canadian Mafia.
Now on to betfair they finally paid up the outstanding leaderboards monies of £1000 plus back to normal with a prompt payment for last week of £2400. Having lost on tournaments my days poker profits stood at £5500 including leaderboard cashes.
The current profit is £16,000 on the way towards £20,000 with rakeback I had virtually achieved it. Not bad for 17 days work. However since I came in I have lost £1500 back. Had some horrendous bad beats including this one here for $1000...
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 473254425 *****
PL Omaha $500 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Tuesday, January 27, 00:19:32 GMT 2009
$500+$10 PL Omaha #2600220
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 2,480 )
Seat 2: COBRA69 ( 1,520 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
COBRA69 posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ad, Ah, 7c, 9c ]
COBRA69 calls [10]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
COBRA69 raises to [180]
Punterz08 raises to [540]
COBRA69 goes all-in
COBRA69 raises to [1,520]
Punterz08 calls [980]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Ad, Ah, 7c, 9c ]
COBRA69 shows [ Kh, Qh, As, 9d ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 3s, Th ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
** Hand Conclusion **
COBRA69 wins 3,040 from main pot with a straight, Ace to Ten
************ Game 473254425 ends ************
No big deal, you win some you lose some. I was 75% preflop and 85% on the flop! I will keep my current running total as £16000 as I am still playing, any profit or loss tonight I shall roll over to my next session. Back to the tables more work to be done! Good luck to the rest of you, except for the Canadian Mafia, may you lose your homes in a game of poker or in a tornado.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Canadian Poker Mafia/Arbboydonkey....
Several things on the agenda today. Firstly the poker mafias! Over the years the scandi players were the first to make it big online. The way Gus Hansen had huge success with his hyper aggressive style winning several wpt events virtually as soon as he hit the live tournament scene fellow scandinavians were doing the same in the biggest online cash games. They made close alliances via msn and live tournaments etc and beat virtually everyone online. They would often share accounts and pool money together in syndicates hence the nickame 'Scandi Mafia'. The money to be made is huge and it is only a matter of time before other people adapt and learn new styles of play. Many of the Scandinavians made millions, some invested well and others still have hardly a dollar to there name.
Well at least on betfair poker the tide has turned. The scandinavians no longer run the big games. One of the biggest players is deadly007 who is from London/England and very few will play him....however there are not so many like him in the UK. The scandinavians who were formerly fearless now have game selection which they used to be too arrogant to even consider. In my opinion at the moment those doing the best on betfair are the canadians. There are not so many of them but the biggest winners are well represented by Canada. This 'Canadian mafia' and here are several of the members...
Boss of all bosses (I cannot say who this is as I am not deep enough into them yet)
Boss - Flavorflav
Underboss - idontfold
Consigliere - Sky Lopez
Soldiers - T Pain and Souljaboy
Obviously there are many more members of the Canadian poker mafia but I shall not put too many members names down. Just beware if you see them at the tables as they can seriously damage your bankroll. I have long been in dispute with the Boss and the Underboss but today I think a ceasefire was negiotated. Once again the fearless Punterz comes through the storm with his sail intact. I am sure I shall be mentioning the Canadian Poker Mafia in the future. Now onto something else...
Well it is Sunday which means leaderboard judgement day. The 16th week they have run now and successfully won the middleweight leaderboard for the 16th time to go 16/16. Also another comfortable win on the heavyweight to make it 12/16 there. The four times I came second where when twice I had a rest and let a friend win, once when I had a break for the New Years holidays and the other time when for three days Betfairs scoring system was down so it was hard to work out where you were at.
The beneficiary of this was an idiot called arbboy who cannot play poker and was on a heater. The guy comes out with such retarded comments one must only wonder how his mother didn't give him away as a child...well maybe she did. He keeps saying how great he is yet he is a fairly big loser. Recently he decided he would account share. There are many tell tale signs of this:
1) from having an roi over the last few years consistently at -10% overnight he went on a three week run of approx +15% roi.
2) the play on the account has during this period increased between 300-400%
3) one player will play a session of around six hours and show absolutely every single good hand and also everytime folded to him in the big blind show his hand. one of the other players will have an entire session without showing one hand.
There are a few more signs but that is enough for now. Well here is just one game against him today, it is not any game in particular. Just one game where I decided to take down all the hand histories as I was not in too many games at the time. It is totally standard of his heads up play and a fair assessment of his play will follow.
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472470417 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:38:22 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,500 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,500 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9d, 7c ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,500]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,480] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 40 from main pot
************ Game 472470417 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472473907 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:42:16 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,510 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,490 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 4d, Ks ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,510]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,490] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 40 from main pot
************ Game 472473907 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472473977 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:42:27 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,530 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,470 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
arbboy posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Td, 7d ]
Punterz08 calls [10]
arbboy checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 5h, Ts ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [40]
arbboy calls [40]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qc ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [120]
arbboy calls [120]
** Dealing River ** [ Th ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [360]
arbboy calls [360]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Td, 7d ] three of a kind, Tens
arbboy mucks [ 7s, 5c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,080 from main pot with three of a kind, Tens
************ Game 472473977 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472474360 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:43:29 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,025 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,975 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9s, 6h ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,025]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [995] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 60 from main pot
************ Game 472474360 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472476035 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:48:02 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,025 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,975 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kd, 3h ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,025]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [995] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 60 from main pot
************ Game 472476035 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472476103 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:48:13 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,055 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,945 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
arbboy posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 6c, 4c ]
Punterz08 calls [15]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,055]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,025] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 60 from main pot
************ Game 472476103 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472477514 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:51:49 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,085 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,915 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [25]
Punterz08 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 5s, 6c ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,085]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,035] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 100 from main pot
************ Game 472477514 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478148 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:53:28 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,235 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,765 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [50]
Punterz08 posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 2d, 5d ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,235]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,135] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478148 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478205 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:53:38 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,335 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,665 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
arbboy posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Js, 9s ]
Punterz08 calls [50]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,335]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,235] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478205 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478276 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:53:49 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,435 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,565 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [50]
Punterz08 posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9s, 2h ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,435]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,335] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478276 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478506 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:54:27 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,785 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,215 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
arbboy posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 5d, 5c ]
Punterz08 calls [50]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,785]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,685] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478506 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478731 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:55:02 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,585 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,415 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
arbboy posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ad, Kd ]
Punterz08 calls [50]
arbboy checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, Jc, 4d ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [100]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,485]
Punterz08 calls [1,215]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [170] to arbboy
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ 9c, Qs ]
Punterz08 shows [ Ad, Kd ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 2,830 from main pot with two pair, Aces and Fours
************ Game 472478731 ends ************
As you can see he is virtually all in every other hand. His preflop play is absolutely awful, when he occasionally plays post flop just as bad. He finally gets his money in with a 23% chance of winning against my 77%. Now this was just an average game against him, he really does always play this bad, the only strange thing is that the game lasted for as long as it did. Just for good measure a few more awful hands from him from several other games.
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472505367 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $8 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 15:54:20 GMT 2009
$100+$8 Turbo NL Hold'em #2594463
Table 1 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: michaelg2 ( 1,750 )
Seat 2: arbboy ( 1,440 )
Seat 3: santtu123 ( 1,480 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( 1,860 )
Seat 5: VaRiAnCe ( 1,470 )
Seat 6: JJ14 ( 1,000 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
santtu123 posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 6c, Kc ]
VaRiAnCe folds
JJ14 calls [20]
michaelg2 calls [20]
arbboy calls [20]
santtu123 folds
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qc, Tc, 2c ]
Punterz08 bets [90]
JJ14 folds
michaelg2 calls [90]
arbboy calls [90]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Th ]
Punterz08 bets [360]
michaelg2 folds
arbboy calls [360]
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
Punterz08 checks
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy bets [970]
Punterz08 calls [970]
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ As, Jc ] a Flush
Punterz08 shows [ 6c, Kc ] a Flush
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 3,020 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 472505367 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472737871 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 22:59:58 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596486
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 970 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 2,030 )
Tourney Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [75]
arbboy posts big blind [150]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jd, Js ]
Punterz08 calls [75]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [970]
Punterz08 calls [820]
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ 8s, 6h ]
Punterz08 shows [ Jd, Js ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ad, 8d, Qh ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 2c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,940 from main pot with a pair of Jacks
************ Game 472737871 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472740720 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 23:05:45 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596578
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,530 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,470 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
arbboy posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jc, Jd ]
Punterz08 calls [10]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,530]
Punterz08 calls [1,450]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [60] to arbboy
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ Qc, Th ]
Punterz08 shows [ Jc, Jd ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2h, Ah, Tc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Td ]
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 2,940 from main pot with three of a kind, Tens
************ Game 472740720 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472748152 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 23:21:04 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596599
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,280 )
Seat 2: arbboy ( 1,720 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qh, Qd ]
arbboy calls [15]
Punterz08 raises to [90]
arbboy calls [60]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4c, Ts, 8c ]
Punterz08 bets [180]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,630]
Punterz08 calls [1,010]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [440] to arbboy
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Qh, Qd ]
arbboy shows [ 7c, 8d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 2,560 from main pot with a pair of Queens
************ Game 472748152 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472749394 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 23:23:42 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596599
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 2,180 )
Seat 2: arbboy ( 820 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
arbboy posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ As, Jd ]
Punterz08 calls [15]
arbboy checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7d, 6d, 4h ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
arbboy bets [60]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [2,150]
arbboy calls [730]
arbboy goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [1,360] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ As, Jd ]
arbboy shows [ 8h, 2h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Qh ]
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 1,640 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 472749394 ends ************
The guy is so bad and I would rarely show hand histories and make comments on one individual player. However seeing as he keeps saying how great he is etc he is fair game. I pity absolutely anybody who knows this retarded loser.
Not the best of weekends but made £500 profit to push the current total to £10,500. Still awaiting £1000 from last weeks leaderboards due to betfair incompetence and if they try the same again this week there will be uproar. Come next week £20,000 target should be reached so virtually breaking evens for the month is great considering one session was a £27,000 losing one. Alarm is set for 08:30a.m. as I am having a bet this morning. I shall post details of it tomorrow. It is a longterm bet (hopefully!) which should give a huge return on my investment. Well another week as the champion of hu sng has come and gone, good luck to my friends and to my enemies 'your mother is on the road'.
Well at least on betfair poker the tide has turned. The scandinavians no longer run the big games. One of the biggest players is deadly007 who is from London/England and very few will play him....however there are not so many like him in the UK. The scandinavians who were formerly fearless now have game selection which they used to be too arrogant to even consider. In my opinion at the moment those doing the best on betfair are the canadians. There are not so many of them but the biggest winners are well represented by Canada. This 'Canadian mafia' and here are several of the members...
Boss of all bosses (I cannot say who this is as I am not deep enough into them yet)
Boss - Flavorflav
Underboss - idontfold
Consigliere - Sky Lopez
Soldiers - T Pain and Souljaboy
Obviously there are many more members of the Canadian poker mafia but I shall not put too many members names down. Just beware if you see them at the tables as they can seriously damage your bankroll. I have long been in dispute with the Boss and the Underboss but today I think a ceasefire was negiotated. Once again the fearless Punterz comes through the storm with his sail intact. I am sure I shall be mentioning the Canadian Poker Mafia in the future. Now onto something else...
Well it is Sunday which means leaderboard judgement day. The 16th week they have run now and successfully won the middleweight leaderboard for the 16th time to go 16/16. Also another comfortable win on the heavyweight to make it 12/16 there. The four times I came second where when twice I had a rest and let a friend win, once when I had a break for the New Years holidays and the other time when for three days Betfairs scoring system was down so it was hard to work out where you were at.
The beneficiary of this was an idiot called arbboy who cannot play poker and was on a heater. The guy comes out with such retarded comments one must only wonder how his mother didn't give him away as a child...well maybe she did. He keeps saying how great he is yet he is a fairly big loser. Recently he decided he would account share. There are many tell tale signs of this:
1) from having an roi over the last few years consistently at -10% overnight he went on a three week run of approx +15% roi.
2) the play on the account has during this period increased between 300-400%
3) one player will play a session of around six hours and show absolutely every single good hand and also everytime folded to him in the big blind show his hand. one of the other players will have an entire session without showing one hand.
There are a few more signs but that is enough for now. Well here is just one game against him today, it is not any game in particular. Just one game where I decided to take down all the hand histories as I was not in too many games at the time. It is totally standard of his heads up play and a fair assessment of his play will follow.
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472470417 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:38:22 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,500 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,500 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9d, 7c ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,500]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,480] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 40 from main pot
************ Game 472470417 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472473907 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:42:16 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,510 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,490 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 4d, Ks ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,510]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,490] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 40 from main pot
************ Game 472473907 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472473977 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:42:27 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,530 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,470 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
arbboy posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Td, 7d ]
Punterz08 calls [10]
arbboy checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 5h, Ts ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [40]
arbboy calls [40]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qc ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [120]
arbboy calls [120]
** Dealing River ** [ Th ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [360]
arbboy calls [360]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Td, 7d ] three of a kind, Tens
arbboy mucks [ 7s, 5c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,080 from main pot with three of a kind, Tens
************ Game 472473977 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472474360 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:43:29 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,025 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,975 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9s, 6h ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,025]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [995] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 60 from main pot
************ Game 472474360 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472476035 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:48:02 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,025 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,975 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kd, 3h ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,025]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [995] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 60 from main pot
************ Game 472476035 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472476103 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:48:13 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,055 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,945 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
arbboy posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 6c, 4c ]
Punterz08 calls [15]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,055]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,025] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 60 from main pot
************ Game 472476103 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472477514 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:51:49 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,085 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,915 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [25]
Punterz08 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 5s, 6c ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,085]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,035] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 100 from main pot
************ Game 472477514 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478148 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:53:28 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,235 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,765 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [50]
Punterz08 posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 2d, 5d ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,235]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,135] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478148 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478205 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:53:38 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,335 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,665 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
arbboy posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Js, 9s ]
Punterz08 calls [50]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,335]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,235] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478205 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478276 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:53:49 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,435 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,565 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [50]
Punterz08 posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9s, 2h ]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,435]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,335] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478276 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478506 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:54:27 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,785 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,215 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
arbboy posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 5d, 5c ]
Punterz08 calls [50]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,785]
Punterz08 folds
Returning uncalled bet [1,685] to arbboy
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 200 from main pot
************ Game 472478506 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472478731 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 14:55:02 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2594621
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,585 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,415 )
Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [50]
arbboy posts big blind [100]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ad, Kd ]
Punterz08 calls [50]
arbboy checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, Jc, 4d ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 bets [100]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,485]
Punterz08 calls [1,215]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [170] to arbboy
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ 9c, Qs ]
Punterz08 shows [ Ad, Kd ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 2,830 from main pot with two pair, Aces and Fours
************ Game 472478731 ends ************
As you can see he is virtually all in every other hand. His preflop play is absolutely awful, when he occasionally plays post flop just as bad. He finally gets his money in with a 23% chance of winning against my 77%. Now this was just an average game against him, he really does always play this bad, the only strange thing is that the game lasted for as long as it did. Just for good measure a few more awful hands from him from several other games.
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472505367 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $8 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 15:54:20 GMT 2009
$100+$8 Turbo NL Hold'em #2594463
Table 1 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 6
Seat 1: michaelg2 ( 1,750 )
Seat 2: arbboy ( 1,440 )
Seat 3: santtu123 ( 1,480 )
Seat 4: Punterz08 ( 1,860 )
Seat 5: VaRiAnCe ( 1,470 )
Seat 6: JJ14 ( 1,000 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
santtu123 posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 6c, Kc ]
VaRiAnCe folds
JJ14 calls [20]
michaelg2 calls [20]
arbboy calls [20]
santtu123 folds
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qc, Tc, 2c ]
Punterz08 bets [90]
JJ14 folds
michaelg2 calls [90]
arbboy calls [90]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Th ]
Punterz08 bets [360]
michaelg2 folds
arbboy calls [360]
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
Punterz08 checks
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy bets [970]
Punterz08 calls [970]
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ As, Jc ] a Flush
Punterz08 shows [ 6c, Kc ] a Flush
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 3,020 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 472505367 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472737871 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 22:59:58 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596486
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 970 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 2,030 )
Tourney Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [75]
arbboy posts big blind [150]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jd, Js ]
Punterz08 calls [75]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [970]
Punterz08 calls [820]
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ 8s, 6h ]
Punterz08 shows [ Jd, Js ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ad, 8d, Qh ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 2c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,940 from main pot with a pair of Jacks
************ Game 472737871 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472740720 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 23:05:45 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596578
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: arbboy ( 1,530 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,470 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
arbboy posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jc, Jd ]
Punterz08 calls [10]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,530]
Punterz08 calls [1,450]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [60] to arbboy
** Showdown **
arbboy shows [ Qc, Th ]
Punterz08 shows [ Jc, Jd ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2h, Ah, Tc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Td ]
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 2,940 from main pot with three of a kind, Tens
************ Game 472740720 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472748152 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 23:21:04 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596599
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,280 )
Seat 2: arbboy ( 1,720 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
arbboy posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qh, Qd ]
arbboy calls [15]
Punterz08 raises to [90]
arbboy calls [60]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4c, Ts, 8c ]
Punterz08 bets [180]
arbboy goes all-in
arbboy raises to [1,630]
Punterz08 calls [1,010]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [440] to arbboy
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Qh, Qd ]
arbboy shows [ 7c, 8d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 2,560 from main pot with a pair of Queens
************ Game 472748152 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 472749394 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Sunday, January 25, 23:23:42 GMT 2009
$100+$5 NL Hold'em #2596599
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 2,180 )
Seat 2: arbboy ( 820 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
arbboy posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ As, Jd ]
Punterz08 calls [15]
arbboy checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7d, 6d, 4h ]
arbboy checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
arbboy bets [60]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [2,150]
arbboy calls [730]
arbboy goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [1,360] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ As, Jd ]
arbboy shows [ 8h, 2h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Qh ]
** Hand Conclusion **
arbboy wins 1,640 from main pot with a Flush
************ Game 472749394 ends ************
The guy is so bad and I would rarely show hand histories and make comments on one individual player. However seeing as he keeps saying how great he is etc he is fair game. I pity absolutely anybody who knows this retarded loser.
Not the best of weekends but made £500 profit to push the current total to £10,500. Still awaiting £1000 from last weeks leaderboards due to betfair incompetence and if they try the same again this week there will be uproar. Come next week £20,000 target should be reached so virtually breaking evens for the month is great considering one session was a £27,000 losing one. Alarm is set for 08:30a.m. as I am having a bet this morning. I shall post details of it tomorrow. It is a longterm bet (hopefully!) which should give a huge return on my investment. Well another week as the champion of hu sng has come and gone, good luck to my friends and to my enemies 'your mother is on the road'.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I hate Tottenham....
I really do, I used to live close to there and never did like passing through there etc. Horrid place, absolutely repulsive at best. Now the local team there is Tottenham Hotspurs (some of the overseas readers may not be familiar with London/England geography). The team is one of the most hated in the country alongsides probably Manchester United. Now one of the reasons many people don't like Manchester United is because they have generally been a very successful club. It is rare for the English to like a winner, back the underdog mentality. Fine the English were huge underdogs against the Germans in two world wars. However without the help of Russia, Canada, Australia and the United States...(EVENTUALLY)we would have had no chance. So stop with the backing the underdog mentality. I am starting to digress back to why I hate Tottenham....
I haven't really had many bets over the last few years as I am fully aware how easy it is to chase a loss. When I wake up on a Sunday morning after a Saturday night out I think two things:
1) I don't want to play today
2) I want to get back the money I spent last night.
Last Saturday I didn't spend particularly too much, around £600. On Sunday I wake up too late for the West Ham United game and they were easy 3-1 winners. So I put £1000 on Tottenham to win at home against Portsmouth. Portsmouth's manager Tony Adams is an absolute fruit bat as of late but Tottenham are bottom of the league for a reason I guess. So Spurs are all over Pompey, yet concede a goal. They equalise and the match is at 1-1 on a knife edge, seconds to go and one of spurs most expensive players at over ten million pounds misses an absolutely easy chance. Disgrace, I have lost £1000 on you pieces of shit.
Now a week later and it is f.a. cup day, Manchester United are at home against Tottenham Hotspurs. The two most hated teams in the country, one because they are so good and the other because they are just horrible. Manchester are top of the table and Spurs are bottom. I turn the game on after ten minutes and see that against the odds Spurs have scored a lucky goal and now Manchester have gone from odds of 1.30 to odds of 1.98. What a gift, I am more likely to have gay sex with a dog than Manchester not to score. The only problem is I have a dinner reservation at six. I figure that I have around twenty minutes spare and Manchester are all over Spurs like flies around a piece of shit. It is a question of when not if they will score. I borrow a friends account and get £2000 on at roughly even money with the intention of trading when they score. Chance after chance, then the crossbar thwarts Tevez....I am running out of time. I have to go for dinner so I trade out my bet for roughly the same as my inital stake. Within TWO seconds of me laying the bet off manchester score. If I had of been two seconds later the bet would not have been matched and I would have been able to lay off for a £1500 profit no matter what the outcome. Everything associated with spurs just always turns to shit.
Apparently betfair are increasing rakeback for those who apply from 1st February. Why keep appealing to new customers and at the same time upsetting existing ones who then leave the site?
I haven't really had many bets over the last few years as I am fully aware how easy it is to chase a loss. When I wake up on a Sunday morning after a Saturday night out I think two things:
1) I don't want to play today
2) I want to get back the money I spent last night.
Last Saturday I didn't spend particularly too much, around £600. On Sunday I wake up too late for the West Ham United game and they were easy 3-1 winners. So I put £1000 on Tottenham to win at home against Portsmouth. Portsmouth's manager Tony Adams is an absolute fruit bat as of late but Tottenham are bottom of the league for a reason I guess. So Spurs are all over Pompey, yet concede a goal. They equalise and the match is at 1-1 on a knife edge, seconds to go and one of spurs most expensive players at over ten million pounds misses an absolutely easy chance. Disgrace, I have lost £1000 on you pieces of shit.
Now a week later and it is f.a. cup day, Manchester United are at home against Tottenham Hotspurs. The two most hated teams in the country, one because they are so good and the other because they are just horrible. Manchester are top of the table and Spurs are bottom. I turn the game on after ten minutes and see that against the odds Spurs have scored a lucky goal and now Manchester have gone from odds of 1.30 to odds of 1.98. What a gift, I am more likely to have gay sex with a dog than Manchester not to score. The only problem is I have a dinner reservation at six. I figure that I have around twenty minutes spare and Manchester are all over Spurs like flies around a piece of shit. It is a question of when not if they will score. I borrow a friends account and get £2000 on at roughly even money with the intention of trading when they score. Chance after chance, then the crossbar thwarts Tevez....I am running out of time. I have to go for dinner so I trade out my bet for roughly the same as my inital stake. Within TWO seconds of me laying the bet off manchester score. If I had of been two seconds later the bet would not have been matched and I would have been able to lay off for a £1500 profit no matter what the outcome. Everything associated with spurs just always turns to shit.
Apparently betfair are increasing rakeback for those who apply from 1st February. Why keep appealing to new customers and at the same time upsetting existing ones who then leave the site?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
lowest raking day ever?
Betfair earned the great some of $130 from me in fees today. Probably the least they have earned from me in two years. Still awaiting leaderboard payments from them, mrkangaroo has emailed in saying he doesn't want to ever be included in any leaderboards. So baffling why betfair keep upsetting players and changing promotions etc. I have so many stories of betfair cheating people, robbing them and even information about betfair being hacked and cash players being refunded hundreds of thousands of pounds each. The day I leave betfair I shall post all of this and the 500 or so people who read my blog each week will be amazed and hopefully spread the word. The readers of my blog are truly global, from australia to new zealand to russia to italy to america to sweden to france to england. If betfair continue to upset people everyone deserves all the information about there many security breaches and other cover ups. For some reason they think they are invincible. The day they realise they are not will be so so painful for them.
Anyways played very little today but made £1000 profit.
Current profit is £10,000 (half way there in two weeks)
Anyways played very little today but made £1000 profit.
Current profit is £10,000 (half way there in two weeks)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Are Betfair scared of the Italian Mafia?...
For several years many players have complained about a player called Giorgio56 and betfair poker have done absolutely nothing about this. Now here are the guys statistics for the last ten months:
Giorgio56 255 -$246 $784 -28% -$62,801 LLLWLLWW Betfair
Wow what a big loser people think. He actually used to play a lot more pre 2008. Now here are his losses and records against three opponents
Username Games Played Total Profit (including rake)
Pllncino 41 -$44,756
sparalesto1 13 -$13,130
soleny 15 -$10,489
The above games account for more than his $62,000 sharkscope loss. Of the 69 games above he has lost ALL 69. All four players are located in Italy. This is absolute cheating and money laundering. Betfair refuse to do anything. Are they scared of the spaghetti heads?
Giorgio56 255 -$246 $784 -28% -$62,801 LLLWLLWW Betfair
Wow what a big loser people think. He actually used to play a lot more pre 2008. Now here are his losses and records against three opponents
Username Games Played Total Profit (including rake)
Pllncino 41 -$44,756
sparalesto1 13 -$13,130
soleny 15 -$10,489
The above games account for more than his $62,000 sharkscope loss. Of the 69 games above he has lost ALL 69. All four players are located in Italy. This is absolute cheating and money laundering. Betfair refuse to do anything. Are they scared of the spaghetti heads?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
why why why Betfair....
Why are they such a poorly run pokersite? The mistakes are endless and the treatment of players often disgusting. They often change the rules midway through promotions amd have been known to do things such as trying to illegally deposit money from peoples accounts back to them (after the SNG sting). For fifteen weeks they have run a new SNG leaderboard. I have won one of two a week for the entire promotion, obviously they won't like this. When a fat bald foreigner won every week they loved it and sponsored Buzzer. Some days I have played several hundred games, in fact the most I played in one day was 371.
Now we have last week, a player who plays under the alias arbboy emailed betfair saying I was punterz08 and mrkangaroo. I use the mrkangaroo account to forum post and many people know who it is, it most certainly is not me. I came second on the leaderboard to mrkangaroo and still hadn't been paid three days later so I phoned them. Now the irony here is that arbboy has cheated betfair out of thousands of pounds of commission. He openly posted on forums how he let people use his account for poker to get his commission % on the lowest possible rate. This has no doubt cost betfair thousands of pounds in lost fees from commission on their sportsbook. As usual the guilty are the first ones to point fingers.
Here is my email from betfair:
Dear Lee,
Following an investigation into your account’s activity we have reason to believe that your account (Punterz08) was accessed from the same machine as account Mr.Kangaroo. In some instances these logins are only seconds apart and since the two accounts occupied the top spots in the week’s leaderboard, the matter was brought to our attention.
Whilst this might be purely coincidental an/or justifiable, it is in everyone’s interest to defend the integrity of the game. In view of this it would be excellent if you could provide is with an explanation of why and/or how this might have happened in order for us to be to conclude our investigation. In addition, please be advised that the leaderboard prize payout has been put on hold pending the conclusion of this investigation.
Please also be advised that our Helpdesk will not be able to assist you with any enquiries. Any correspondence should be forwarded to
Kind Regards,
Verification Team
Helpdesk Tel: 0844 871 0000
Now if you have any problems with mrkangaroo contact him not me, if you don't want to pay him first spot promote me from second place to first and pay me even more. My account makes me in excess of £100,000 a year and turns over over a million pounds a year paying over £100,000 in fees. Why on earth can't betfair see commonsense and realise a few hundred pounds is not something that would bother me. It seems as though betfair poker since taken over by Bruce Stubbs wants to alienate every single big player they have. The likes of duffs, mandylou,deejay, shaa etc etc were betfair diehards and now they hate betfair. It really is surely a matter of time before something big, ugly and embarrassing happens to betfair poker. People keep saying to me why do you still mainly play there. The figures I mention at the start of this paragraph are the reason why.
As for people multi accounting (I have one) if betfair were really bothered why not do something about it. On all pokersites you are allowed only one account except for betfair. They let people have master accounts for sportsbook enabling them to have up to five poker accounts. You are then allowed another account via badbeat if you wish. At the highest stakes people are combining bankrolls and letting five or more people use the account. A player called Giorgio56 has been subject to many complaints from betfair players yet is still allowed to operate. One must assume that he bets a lot on the sportsbook. He has played another player in around forty $1000 games and lost every single one. To lose 40/40 is virtually impossible and we all know something is not right yet betfair do nothing about him.
So will betfair do anything about the multi accounts? After all Sorrell Mizzi famous multi accounting cheat got a sponsorship deal with betfair when they had the knowledge in the past he had been banned for cheating and multiaccounting. I think they will do nothing, but because I post on somebody elses forum account they will happily use this as an excuse to withhold £1000 from me pending an investigation. Just another case of betfair poker trying to lose another well known player.I shall not even log into the kangaroo account to use the chat again, so when week after week we get 1st and 2nd what will the excuse be then? Between us we pay £20,000 a month in fees to poker sites. What a joke of a site it is becoming. Literally a matter of time before something big legally or financially happens to them.
Finally one last thing betfair could have looked at before all of this nonsense..
Rake for punterz08 since start:
January 09
Last updated 22/01/09
The fees I have paid after three weeks of the month are equal or higher than any of the previous 6 months. If it was me playing both accounts then I would have raked way less on this account and have my average spread over the two accounts. Why are they so stupid. There is such a liquidity problem on betfair in January come the end of the month why would I have raked 50% more than usual!
Now we have last week, a player who plays under the alias arbboy emailed betfair saying I was punterz08 and mrkangaroo. I use the mrkangaroo account to forum post and many people know who it is, it most certainly is not me. I came second on the leaderboard to mrkangaroo and still hadn't been paid three days later so I phoned them. Now the irony here is that arbboy has cheated betfair out of thousands of pounds of commission. He openly posted on forums how he let people use his account for poker to get his commission % on the lowest possible rate. This has no doubt cost betfair thousands of pounds in lost fees from commission on their sportsbook. As usual the guilty are the first ones to point fingers.
Here is my email from betfair:
Dear Lee,
Following an investigation into your account’s activity we have reason to believe that your account (Punterz08) was accessed from the same machine as account Mr.Kangaroo. In some instances these logins are only seconds apart and since the two accounts occupied the top spots in the week’s leaderboard, the matter was brought to our attention.
Whilst this might be purely coincidental an/or justifiable, it is in everyone’s interest to defend the integrity of the game. In view of this it would be excellent if you could provide is with an explanation of why and/or how this might have happened in order for us to be to conclude our investigation. In addition, please be advised that the leaderboard prize payout has been put on hold pending the conclusion of this investigation.
Please also be advised that our Helpdesk will not be able to assist you with any enquiries. Any correspondence should be forwarded to
Kind Regards,
Verification Team
Helpdesk Tel: 0844 871 0000
Now if you have any problems with mrkangaroo contact him not me, if you don't want to pay him first spot promote me from second place to first and pay me even more. My account makes me in excess of £100,000 a year and turns over over a million pounds a year paying over £100,000 in fees. Why on earth can't betfair see commonsense and realise a few hundred pounds is not something that would bother me. It seems as though betfair poker since taken over by Bruce Stubbs wants to alienate every single big player they have. The likes of duffs, mandylou,deejay, shaa etc etc were betfair diehards and now they hate betfair. It really is surely a matter of time before something big, ugly and embarrassing happens to betfair poker. People keep saying to me why do you still mainly play there. The figures I mention at the start of this paragraph are the reason why.
As for people multi accounting (I have one) if betfair were really bothered why not do something about it. On all pokersites you are allowed only one account except for betfair. They let people have master accounts for sportsbook enabling them to have up to five poker accounts. You are then allowed another account via badbeat if you wish. At the highest stakes people are combining bankrolls and letting five or more people use the account. A player called Giorgio56 has been subject to many complaints from betfair players yet is still allowed to operate. One must assume that he bets a lot on the sportsbook. He has played another player in around forty $1000 games and lost every single one. To lose 40/40 is virtually impossible and we all know something is not right yet betfair do nothing about him.
So will betfair do anything about the multi accounts? After all Sorrell Mizzi famous multi accounting cheat got a sponsorship deal with betfair when they had the knowledge in the past he had been banned for cheating and multiaccounting. I think they will do nothing, but because I post on somebody elses forum account they will happily use this as an excuse to withhold £1000 from me pending an investigation. Just another case of betfair poker trying to lose another well known player.I shall not even log into the kangaroo account to use the chat again, so when week after week we get 1st and 2nd what will the excuse be then? Between us we pay £20,000 a month in fees to poker sites. What a joke of a site it is becoming. Literally a matter of time before something big legally or financially happens to them.
Finally one last thing betfair could have looked at before all of this nonsense..
Rake for punterz08 since start:
January 09
Last updated 22/01/09
The fees I have paid after three weeks of the month are equal or higher than any of the previous 6 months. If it was me playing both accounts then I would have raked way less on this account and have my average spread over the two accounts. Why are they so stupid. There is such a liquidity problem on betfair in January come the end of the month why would I have raked 50% more than usual!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
winner winner chicken dinner....
How much I hear you ask. FIFTEEN pounds haha. I could sense yesterday wasn't going to be a good day. I went behind early and said if I broke evens I would quit for the day. I managed to go £15 ahead so I just stopped. Naturally I went out and got pissed instead, this is something I really must stop doing as I say and do things I later regret! My solution is a couple of months out in Spain away from every day life in the sun. I know a great place out there near Barcelona and have a few friends living there and it is calming which is ideal for me right now. However I can't go as I have to wait until the end of February for my kitchen to be delivered, then I need to fit it, then I have to have the floor laid...then carpentry work done....before that I need electrics done, painting, bathroom just doesn't end. All this time effort and money on a place I still may not even move into! I must be insane, who buys a perfectly liveable place and still manages to spend 40-50k doing it up. What a waste of money, who cares tho I guess it is only money.
I still can't get motivated which is annoying because as soon as I am motivated there is an easy £50,000 a month to be made. Decision between three girls to be made at the moment, all good looking and totally different but I can't make it. Not because it is a difficult choice but because my mind is elsewhere still. Vegas in April will fix me up I am sure, I will just focus for a few days and try and win a big tournament and take it from there. Maybe with a bit of luck the $25,000 WPT final! Fuck that would be nice, win a few million in a tournament then go live somewhere in the carribean for a couple of years. No computer or any phone, simply chill in a wonderful place in the sun for a couple of years. Why do I need a few million to do this? I can just go tomorrow, we only live once and not for so long. Yet most of us are too scared to make big decisions and instead get stuck in a mundane life. We convince ourselves that it is great when it isn't and brainwash ourselves. Within the next few years one way or another I shall live near that wonderful beach for a year +. It is so easy, just win money online and pay off all financial commitments over here then go. Why does anyone want to stay in cold, rainy London when they could go anywhere in the world they chose? It is insanity, maybe I can even get a few grand from the government by leaving London and making room for one more immigrant from a random poor country.
That is that sorted then, I feel as though any day I could just go. Couple of years away people wondering where the guy who takes all their money has gone. Then come back and do it all over again, the thing is if anyone managed to go away for a year or two you know in all reality you probably wouldn't come back. These ties to shitty places and often rubbish people are what makes the human life so random and fascinating. Talking of fascinating one of the only places I have ever been to that did fascinate me is Cuba. It will open up there soon, great beaches and weather and such nice people. My feedback from a few expats suggests within ten years the country will be out of the communism Castro thing. It is hard to buy things out there but I am pretty certain that one million pounds invested there this year would be worth at least ten million ten years from now. I have in my lifetime already seen people make absolutely huge amounts of money in South Africa after apatheid. Cuba would easily surpass these amounts as it doesn't have the crime and disease of Africa.
So after a few random thoughts I could now maybe end up in Cuba chilling on the beach most days having turned a small fortune into a huge fortune. Even the thought of this still doesn't motivate me, so five years from now I am still probably in rainy London just going away 6 times a year or so for some sunshine and then coming back to this shit. How crazy we can all have almost whatever we want except for the one thing we truly want. Then for the few of us who get the one thing we can't have once we have it we don't want it. Then we lose it and realise actually we did. Life is absolutely crazy, I mean if I wanted I could sit on the toilet take my laptop with me and on the outcome of a turn of a card win or lose more than many people make in a year. Or in the case of the third world what they would make in a lifetime.
Life is great, see you in Vegas, or Spain, or Havana....or more than likely in rainy old England.
I still can't get motivated which is annoying because as soon as I am motivated there is an easy £50,000 a month to be made. Decision between three girls to be made at the moment, all good looking and totally different but I can't make it. Not because it is a difficult choice but because my mind is elsewhere still. Vegas in April will fix me up I am sure, I will just focus for a few days and try and win a big tournament and take it from there. Maybe with a bit of luck the $25,000 WPT final! Fuck that would be nice, win a few million in a tournament then go live somewhere in the carribean for a couple of years. No computer or any phone, simply chill in a wonderful place in the sun for a couple of years. Why do I need a few million to do this? I can just go tomorrow, we only live once and not for so long. Yet most of us are too scared to make big decisions and instead get stuck in a mundane life. We convince ourselves that it is great when it isn't and brainwash ourselves. Within the next few years one way or another I shall live near that wonderful beach for a year +. It is so easy, just win money online and pay off all financial commitments over here then go. Why does anyone want to stay in cold, rainy London when they could go anywhere in the world they chose? It is insanity, maybe I can even get a few grand from the government by leaving London and making room for one more immigrant from a random poor country.
That is that sorted then, I feel as though any day I could just go. Couple of years away people wondering where the guy who takes all their money has gone. Then come back and do it all over again, the thing is if anyone managed to go away for a year or two you know in all reality you probably wouldn't come back. These ties to shitty places and often rubbish people are what makes the human life so random and fascinating. Talking of fascinating one of the only places I have ever been to that did fascinate me is Cuba. It will open up there soon, great beaches and weather and such nice people. My feedback from a few expats suggests within ten years the country will be out of the communism Castro thing. It is hard to buy things out there but I am pretty certain that one million pounds invested there this year would be worth at least ten million ten years from now. I have in my lifetime already seen people make absolutely huge amounts of money in South Africa after apatheid. Cuba would easily surpass these amounts as it doesn't have the crime and disease of Africa.
So after a few random thoughts I could now maybe end up in Cuba chilling on the beach most days having turned a small fortune into a huge fortune. Even the thought of this still doesn't motivate me, so five years from now I am still probably in rainy London just going away 6 times a year or so for some sunshine and then coming back to this shit. How crazy we can all have almost whatever we want except for the one thing we truly want. Then for the few of us who get the one thing we can't have once we have it we don't want it. Then we lose it and realise actually we did. Life is absolutely crazy, I mean if I wanted I could sit on the toilet take my laptop with me and on the outcome of a turn of a card win or lose more than many people make in a year. Or in the case of the third world what they would make in a lifetime.
Life is great, see you in Vegas, or Spain, or Havana....or more than likely in rainy old England.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Donkeys with 48...
Lately I haven't been getting much action from the bad players, that all changed today there were so many absolute donkey players it was very satisfying to see. Unfortunately I only made a small profit, but there were some horrific beats and it is easy to see how a few hundred profit should be over a thousand. First out we had some donkey called chess1956, I played him in a few low stake games and comprehensively beat him. He moves up with his life savings and sits in a $300 game. Obviously I get the money in as an 80% favourite and lose to a miracle river. He ends up winning and in chat says how great he is and how he is up on the day, the bottom line is the day is young and noway can someone playing so bad end up in profit. Well here is how he ended up today:
chess1956 16 -£17 £88 -16% -£267 LLLLWWWL Betfair <12Hours
Well played that donk, here are a few disgusting hands involving him to get some kind of idea as to how bad he is...
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469552174 *****
PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 12:39:34 GMT 2009
$100+$5 PL Omaha #2573646
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,725 )
Seat 2: chess1956 ( 1,275 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
chess1956 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9c, Jc, 9h, 4d ]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
chess1956 raises to [180]
Punterz08 calls [120]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ah, 7h, 9d ]
chess1956 bets [320]
Punterz08 raises to [1,320]
chess1956 calls [775]
chess1956 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [225] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ 9c, Jc, 9h, 4d ]
chess1956 shows [ 6d, 6s, Jd, Js ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 2,550 from main pot with full house, Nines full of Eights
************ Game 469552174 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469579795 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:01:26 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573521
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 716 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 2,284 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
chess1956 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jh, Js ]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
chess1956 goes all-in
chess1956 raises to [716]
Punterz08 calls [656]
** Showdown **
chess1956 shows [ 8d, 4d ]
Punterz08 shows [ Jh, Js ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 3s, Ah ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
chess1956 wins 1,432 from main pot with two pair, Eights and Fours
************ Game 469579795 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469582505 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:09:44 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573521
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 1,733 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,267 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [25]
chess1956 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Tc, 7c ]
Punterz08 calls [25]
chess1956 raises to [151]
Punterz08 calls [101]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, 3s, 8h ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing River ** [ Ac ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 checks
** Showdown **
chess1956 shows [ 2s, 3c ] a pair of Threes
Punterz08 mucks [ Tc, 7c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
chess1956 wins 302 from main pot with a pair of Threes
************ Game 469582505 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469583117 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:11:37 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573521
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 2,035 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 965 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [25]
chess1956 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ah, 8h ]
Punterz08 raises to [100]
chess1956 calls [50]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 8c, Ks ]
chess1956 bets [50]
Punterz08 calls [50]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
chess1956 bets [150]
Punterz08 calls [150]
** Dealing River ** [ Kh ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 bets [450]
chess1956 calls [450]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Ah, 8h ] two pair, Kings and Eights
chess1956 mucks [ 5h, 6c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,500 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Eights
************ Game 469583117 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469691174 *****
PL Omaha $77 Buy-in + $3.25 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 18:08:11 GMT 2009
$77+$3.25 Super Turbo PL Omaha #2574713
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 630 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,370 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
chess1956 posts small blind [25]
Punterz08 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kd, Jd, 6c, 2h ]
chess1956 raises to [150]
Punterz08 calls [100]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 8s, Kh ]
Punterz08 checks
chess1956 checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7s ]
Punterz08 bets [300]
chess1956 goes all-in
chess1956 raises to [480]
Punterz08 calls [180]
** Showdown **
chess1956 shows [ Th, 6h, 3d, Ts ]
Punterz08 shows [ Kd, Jd, 6c, 2h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,260 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Eights
************ Game 469691174 ends ************
Now a quick review of the hands above:
Hand one the blinds are low and he calls off with an underpair to the ace, in this spot it will be good maybe one in twenty times. Outrageous call.
Hand two from bad play he has wasted almost half his stack, again the blinds are low and he puts it all in with 8 hi preflop? Maybe the worst play of all time preflop.
Hand three raising preflop out of position with the nut low, two three offsuit. How can anyone even try and put into words how bad this is.
Hand four awful call.
Hand five, the flop is king hi and you cant fold a pair of tens in omaha? Only about twenty hands that beat you. Just so so so so so bad.
Well anyways end up around evens now at time of writing. However break even days are fine as even if I break evens from rakeback and bonuses etc I still get around £400 a day. If I played daily and broke evens that would be £100,000 on the year! Unlike the donks like Chess1956 who boast when they suckout in one game after going all in with 48! Still I don't mind who I win against and who I lose against so long as I end up in profit. A few more weird plays from donks today:
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469583127 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $150 Buy-in + $7.50 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:11:38 GMT 2009
$150+$7.50 NL Hold'em #205319
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,490 )
Seat 2: sebus ( 1,510 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
sebus posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jd, Kh ]
sebus calls [10]
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9s, Ks, 7d ]
Punterz08 bets [40]
sebus calls [40]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qs ]
Punterz08 bets [120]
sebus calls [120]
** Dealing River ** [ Qc ]
Punterz08 checks
sebus checks
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Jd, Kh ] two pair, Kings and Queens
sebus mucks [ 2s, 5d ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 360 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Queens
************ Game 469583127 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469603174 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $150 Buy-in + $7.50 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 15:00:31 GMT 2009
$150+$7.50 NL Hold'em #205320
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 2,120 )
Seat 2: 7921 ( 880 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
7921 posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qs, Qd ]
7921 calls [15]
Punterz08 raises to [102]
7921 calls [72]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9s, Kh, Js ]
Punterz08 checks
7921 bets [204]
Punterz08 raises to [816]
7921 calls [574]
7921 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [38] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Qs, Qd ]
7921 shows [ 3d, 3s ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
** Dealing River ** [ Kc ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,760 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Queens
************ Game 469603174 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469678444 *****
PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 17:43:41 GMT 2009
$100+$5 PL Omaha #2574536
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: vainer ( 1,500 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,500 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
vainer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Td, Jh, Ks, 2s ]
Punterz08 calls [10]
vainer checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, 4s, 8d ]
vainer checks
Punterz08 bets [40]
vainer calls [40]
** Dealing Turn ** [ As ]
vainer checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing River ** [ Qh ]
vainer bets [40]
Punterz08 raises to [240]
vainer raises to [840]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [1,440]
vainer calls [600]
vainer goes all-in
** Showdown **
vainer shows [ 9d, 9s, Kd, 9c ] a pair of Kings
Punterz08 shows [ Td, Jh, Ks, 2s ] a straight, Ace to Ten
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 3,000 from main pot with a straight, Ace to Ten
************ Game 469678444 ends ************
Finally another person with 48 who has a miracle river!!
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469607231 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 15:11:38 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573927
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: ronaldogol ( 1,833 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,167 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
ronaldogol posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 4s, Jd ]
ronaldogol calls [15]
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 4h, 6c ]
Punterz08 bets [60]
ronaldogol calls [60]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
Punterz08 bets [180]
ronaldogol raises to [360]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [1,077]
ronaldogol calls [717]
** Showdown **
ronaldogol shows [ 4c, 8c ]
Punterz08 shows [ 4s, Jd ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
ronaldogol wins 2,334 from main pot with full house, Fours full of Eights
************ Game 469607231 ends ************
Considering some of the bad beats a break even day is fine, let me add a funny screenshot from the donk of the day who bragged when he was up a few pennies and then ended up losing his life savings the peasant (click on image to enlarge and see idiots chat who was singing as he was up around £20 which didn't last too long!)...

Slight update before sleep got a few more games in and ended day up £800
Punterz08 117 £7 £58 3% £875 LWLWWLWL Betfair <16Hours
Current profit is now +£9000
chess1956 16 -£17 £88 -16% -£267 LLLLWWWL Betfair <12Hours
Well played that donk, here are a few disgusting hands involving him to get some kind of idea as to how bad he is...
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469552174 *****
PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 12:39:34 GMT 2009
$100+$5 PL Omaha #2573646
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,725 )
Seat 2: chess1956 ( 1,275 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [15]
chess1956 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 9c, Jc, 9h, 4d ]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
chess1956 raises to [180]
Punterz08 calls [120]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ah, 7h, 9d ]
chess1956 bets [320]
Punterz08 raises to [1,320]
chess1956 calls [775]
chess1956 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [225] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ 9c, Jc, 9h, 4d ]
chess1956 shows [ 6d, 6s, Jd, Js ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 2,550 from main pot with full house, Nines full of Eights
************ Game 469552174 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469579795 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:01:26 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573521
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 716 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 2,284 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
chess1956 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jh, Js ]
Punterz08 raises to [60]
chess1956 goes all-in
chess1956 raises to [716]
Punterz08 calls [656]
** Showdown **
chess1956 shows [ 8d, 4d ]
Punterz08 shows [ Jh, Js ]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 3s, Ah ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
chess1956 wins 1,432 from main pot with two pair, Eights and Fours
************ Game 469579795 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469582505 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:09:44 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573521
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 1,733 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,267 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [25]
chess1956 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Tc, 7c ]
Punterz08 calls [25]
chess1956 raises to [151]
Punterz08 calls [101]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6s, 3s, 8h ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing River ** [ Ac ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 checks
** Showdown **
chess1956 shows [ 2s, 3c ] a pair of Threes
Punterz08 mucks [ Tc, 7c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
chess1956 wins 302 from main pot with a pair of Threes
************ Game 469582505 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469583117 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:11:37 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573521
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 2,035 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 965 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [25]
chess1956 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Ah, 8h ]
Punterz08 raises to [100]
chess1956 calls [50]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 8c, Ks ]
chess1956 bets [50]
Punterz08 calls [50]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
chess1956 bets [150]
Punterz08 calls [150]
** Dealing River ** [ Kh ]
chess1956 checks
Punterz08 bets [450]
chess1956 calls [450]
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Ah, 8h ] two pair, Kings and Eights
chess1956 mucks [ 5h, 6c ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,500 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Eights
************ Game 469583117 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469691174 *****
PL Omaha $77 Buy-in + $3.25 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 18:08:11 GMT 2009
$77+$3.25 Super Turbo PL Omaha #2574713
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: chess1956 ( 630 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,370 )
Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante))
chess1956 posts small blind [25]
Punterz08 posts big blind [50]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Kd, Jd, 6c, 2h ]
chess1956 raises to [150]
Punterz08 calls [100]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 8s, Kh ]
Punterz08 checks
chess1956 checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7s ]
Punterz08 bets [300]
chess1956 goes all-in
chess1956 raises to [480]
Punterz08 calls [180]
** Showdown **
chess1956 shows [ Th, 6h, 3d, Ts ]
Punterz08 shows [ Kd, Jd, 6c, 2h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,260 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Eights
************ Game 469691174 ends ************
Now a quick review of the hands above:
Hand one the blinds are low and he calls off with an underpair to the ace, in this spot it will be good maybe one in twenty times. Outrageous call.
Hand two from bad play he has wasted almost half his stack, again the blinds are low and he puts it all in with 8 hi preflop? Maybe the worst play of all time preflop.
Hand three raising preflop out of position with the nut low, two three offsuit. How can anyone even try and put into words how bad this is.
Hand four awful call.
Hand five, the flop is king hi and you cant fold a pair of tens in omaha? Only about twenty hands that beat you. Just so so so so so bad.
Well anyways end up around evens now at time of writing. However break even days are fine as even if I break evens from rakeback and bonuses etc I still get around £400 a day. If I played daily and broke evens that would be £100,000 on the year! Unlike the donks like Chess1956 who boast when they suckout in one game after going all in with 48! Still I don't mind who I win against and who I lose against so long as I end up in profit. A few more weird plays from donks today:
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469583127 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $150 Buy-in + $7.50 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 14:11:38 GMT 2009
$150+$7.50 NL Hold'em #205319
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 1,490 )
Seat 2: sebus ( 1,510 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
sebus posts small blind [10]
Punterz08 posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Jd, Kh ]
sebus calls [10]
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9s, Ks, 7d ]
Punterz08 bets [40]
sebus calls [40]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qs ]
Punterz08 bets [120]
sebus calls [120]
** Dealing River ** [ Qc ]
Punterz08 checks
sebus checks
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Jd, Kh ] two pair, Kings and Queens
sebus mucks [ 2s, 5d ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 360 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Queens
************ Game 469583127 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469603174 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $150 Buy-in + $7.50 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 15:00:31 GMT 2009
$150+$7.50 NL Hold'em #205320
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: Punterz08 ( 2,120 )
Seat 2: 7921 ( 880 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
7921 posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Qs, Qd ]
7921 calls [15]
Punterz08 raises to [102]
7921 calls [72]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9s, Kh, Js ]
Punterz08 checks
7921 bets [204]
Punterz08 raises to [816]
7921 calls [574]
7921 goes all-in
Returning uncalled bet [38] to Punterz08
** Showdown **
Punterz08 shows [ Qs, Qd ]
7921 shows [ 3d, 3s ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
** Dealing River ** [ Kc ]
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 1,760 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Queens
************ Game 469603174 ends ************
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469678444 *****
PL Omaha $100 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 17:43:41 GMT 2009
$100+$5 PL Omaha #2574536
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: vainer ( 1,500 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,500 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
Punterz08 posts small blind [10]
vainer posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ Td, Jh, Ks, 2s ]
Punterz08 calls [10]
vainer checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, 4s, 8d ]
vainer checks
Punterz08 bets [40]
vainer calls [40]
** Dealing Turn ** [ As ]
vainer checks
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing River ** [ Qh ]
vainer bets [40]
Punterz08 raises to [240]
vainer raises to [840]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [1,440]
vainer calls [600]
vainer goes all-in
** Showdown **
vainer shows [ 9d, 9s, Kd, 9c ] a pair of Kings
Punterz08 shows [ Td, Jh, Ks, 2s ] a straight, Ace to Ten
** Hand Conclusion **
Punterz08 wins 3,000 from main pot with a straight, Ace to Ten
************ Game 469678444 ends ************
Finally another person with 48 who has a miracle river!!
***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 469607231 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $300 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante)) - Monday, January 19, 15:11:38 GMT 2009
$300+$10 NL Hold'em #2573927
Table 1 2-max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of active players : 2
Seat 1: ronaldogol ( 1,833 )
Seat 2: Punterz08 ( 1,167 )
Tourney Level:2 Blinds(15/30-(no ante))
ronaldogol posts small blind [15]
Punterz08 posts big blind [30]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Punterz08 [ 4s, Jd ]
ronaldogol calls [15]
Punterz08 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 4h, 6c ]
Punterz08 bets [60]
ronaldogol calls [60]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
Punterz08 bets [180]
ronaldogol raises to [360]
Punterz08 goes all-in
Punterz08 raises to [1,077]
ronaldogol calls [717]
** Showdown **
ronaldogol shows [ 4c, 8c ]
Punterz08 shows [ 4s, Jd ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8h ]
** Hand Conclusion **
ronaldogol wins 2,334 from main pot with full house, Fours full of Eights
************ Game 469607231 ends ************
Considering some of the bad beats a break even day is fine, let me add a funny screenshot from the donk of the day who bragged when he was up a few pennies and then ended up losing his life savings the peasant (click on image to enlarge and see idiots chat who was singing as he was up around £20 which didn't last too long!)...

Slight update before sleep got a few more games in and ended day up £800
Punterz08 117 £7 £58 3% £875 LWLWWLWL Betfair <16Hours
Current profit is now +£9000
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